Another Hospital Stay

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The next month passed quickly. Y/N had stayed with Hermione day and night. He slept in the hospital wing, only leaving for meals and when they were required, classes.

He had taken extensive notes with a Quick Quotes Quill in each class which Hermione appreciated immensely. The only exception was DADA. Hermione had already more than mastered everything in the second year curriculum so during those lesson times Y/N returned to her hospital bed and continued with her occlumency training. She had done well developing shields, now it was time for more advanced methods. Y/N was currently teaching her how to establish faux compartments within her mind. When this was established it would act as a smokescreen to anyone trying to peer into Hermione's memories. False memories and thoughts could be placed within while real memories could be guarding with Multi-layered defence matrixes.

Needless to say this was advanced, specialised training. It was well past even NEWT studies, but Hermione was doing well.


Harry, Ron and Lav came to visit Hermione one day when Y/N was at Quidditch training.

"How are you feeling Hermione?" Harry asked.

"Good thank you Harry" she smiled. Her ears were back to normal and all the fur had disappeared.

"Madam Pomfrey says about a week and I will be out. Just have to stop coughing up fur balls and wait for the tail to disappear."

Ron laughed and Lavender scowled at him.

"Why aren't you at Quidditch training Harry?" Hermione asked.

"Oh today was just a special make up training session for Y/N only because he had missed so-"

Harry stopped as Hermione looked quite angrily at him.

"Y/N didn't tell you he had been skipping practice did he Hermione?" Lavender asked.

"No no he didn't Lav" Hermione scowled in anger. She would be having words with Y/N when he got back. Her face quickly changed though when Lavender picked something out of the bin in her cubicle.

"Oh look Hermione, one of your cards has fallen in the bin, oh it's from Professor Lockhart" Lavender smiled. She was still smitten with the Professor, although she was having some doubts if he really did EVERYTHING that was in his books.

"Oh no take it to Madam Pomfrey's office bin quick" Hermione said extremely panicked. Harry and Lavender looked at each other confused, with Harry asking:


"Read it you will see" Lavender said with a sigh as she handed Harry the card. He looked at it.

The front of the card was a picture of Lockhart blowing a kiss, the writing on the inside said:

To Dear Hermione Granger, my biggest fan. I wish you a speedy recovery. If you ever need to talk away from that boy I am always here for you. He is a very bad influence on you. Just know I am always here for you darling. Lots of love, your hero, Gilderoy Lockhart. XXXX

Harry felt sick. Ron reading it over his shoulder actually gagged.

"Quickly get rid of it Harry. If Y/N sees it..."

"He will tear Lockhart to pieces with his own two hands" Ron laughed as he interrupted Hermione. He smirked deviously:

"We should show him"

Hermione panicked more and Lavender shot up quickly and roared: "Oh for Merlin's sake!"

She ripped the card from Harry's hand and raced out of the cubicle, asking Madam Pomfrey to incinerate it. The medic took the card puzzled, read it and after getting a disgusted look on her face destroyed it with a non-verbal incendio.

Lav returned to the cubicle just as Ron had seen something poking out from under Hermione's pillow.

"What's this?" He asked and quickly pulled it out. He started laughing as he showed the other two and asked:

"You really sleep with this under your pillow?"

He laughed as he held up a photo of Y/N. Hermione and Harry scowled at him. Lavender grabbed it out of his hand and punched him in the arm, snapping:

"You're so immature, Ronald!"

She handed the photo back to an embarrassed Hermione.

"It makes me feel safe when he isn't here" she attempted to justify.

Lavender smiled at her best friend and replied gently:

"It's ok 'Mione, we get it don't we Harry." Harry smiled and nodded as well.

"But the big question Hermione" Lavender continued with a dark chuckle: "Is do we tell Y/N that Ron was teasing you just now?"

Ron's face suddenly contorted in fear. He knew what happened to those silly enough to disrespect Y/N's queen.

"No no no please" he begged.

Hermione giggled at Ron suddenly on the back foot.

"Y/N would want to know" Hermione said with another giggle.

"Know what?" Y/N asked as he entered the cubicle from practice. His hair was messy and windswept, his quidditch jersey tightly gripping his muscular physique. Lavender smiled as she watched Hermione's eyes light up at his arrival.

He greeted the others before reaching Hermione's side and leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Alright sweetheart?" He asked.

She reached up and hugged him tight, smiling as she replied:

"I am now!"

He returned her hug before sitting next to the bed and holding her hand.

"We just thought you should know not too much longer until Hermione is fully healed" Lavender smiled at Y/N as she spoke.

"Oh that's great 'Mione, although I'll have to get back on full time guard duty once you leave the safety of the hospital wing." Y/N answered, his mind already focused on the job ahead of him. Hermione nodded and Ron sighed to himself in relief. Madam Pomfrey entered the cubicle:

"Ok dinner time, all of you leave. Except you Mr. L/N. I had dinner brought for you since you were away all day, I thought our patient would greatly appreciate some alone time with you."

Y/N and Hermione smiled at the nurse and thanked her. She smiled back. Just like Dean and Penny she thought to herself.

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