The Wedding

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Hermione sat happily at Dean and Penny's wedding reception. They had just finished their dinner and it had been a wonderful day. Penny had made such a beautiful bride, in a long flowing white dress. Hermione and Monica had both cried as she walked down the aisle accompanied by her father.

Dean had looked extremely nervous prior to the ceremony, Y/N and the other groomsmen calming him, Y/N still taking the opportunity to sneak little winks in to Hermione who sat on the bride's side of the church. Hermione couldn't help but blush. Y/N looked so handsome in his tuxedo.

Hermione and her parents were sat at a table with Penny's mum and dad, John and Julie, and with Molly and Arthur Weasley. They're youngest child, Ginny- who was also their only daughter, was sat next to Hermione and they had instantly got on well. Ginny spoke about Y/N, a lot. She would gush about him, how wonderful he was, that he was her favourite brother, even though he was her god brother, about how kind and sweet he was, especially compared to Ron. Hermione couldn't help but giggle. Molly and Arthur were wonderful as well, a very nice and sweet couple.

The Weasleys knew all about Hermione, much to her surprise, before she learnt that Maisy was living with the Weasleys now. Her parents had kicked her out for being a 'filthy blood traitor' and Arthur and George had found her living in Diagon Alley, homeless. They had taken her into their home as their honorary eighth child and she was bunking with Ginny.

Many of the Hogwarts Professors were invited to the wedding and they had all came over to meet Hermione's and Penny's parents- Dumbledore, McGonagall, Sprout, Flitwick and even Snape. They had all said wonderful things to Monica and Wendell about how hard Hermione worked and what a pleasure she was to teach, leaving the bushy haired girl feeling extremely proud.


The MC called for the couples first dance and Penny and Dean moved beautifully to a slow love song as the lights dimmed. They were soon joined by the best man and maid of honour as well as the groomsmen and brides maids. Hermione couldn't help but feel herself get jealous.


Y/N smiled, watching Dean and Penny have their wedding waltz, before he felt Rowan tap him on the shoulder and whisper:

"We're up Y/N"

Y/N smiled and nodded as he walked forward- Rowan took Beatrice's hand as best man and maid of honour, Y/N as first groomsman took Tulips's hand, placing a hand around her back as she placed her hand on his shoulder and looked up into his eyes smiling.

"You look absolutely stunning, Tulip" Y/N smiled as they moved slowly to the romantic beat. The bridesmaids all wore matching ruby red dresses, which happened to match Tulip's hair perfectly.

"You're looking suave as well Y/N. Five years older and you would definitely be coming home with me" she teased.

Y/N chuckled, before chuckling again as Tonks stood on a very unimpressed Talbott's foot.

"Should have seen the performance she put on when we saw our dresses for the first time" Tulip giggled into Y/N's ear.

"Really?" Y/N smirked devishly, and as the pair moved closer to Tonks and Talbott Y/N leant back and said quietly:

"You look ridiculous"

"I knew it!" Tonks exclaimed, stepping on Talbott's foot again. Y/N chuckled, Tulip slapping his arm flirtatiously as she giggled:

"That was mean".

Y/N smirked as he twirled Tulip, and as he took her waist again he whispered:

"You know how we play. When one of us is down we kick them".

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