Death of a Creature

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The large circular door opened after a number of locks clinked and clanked into place, the whole entranceway having an unnatural creepy feel to it.

Y/N entered first, both of his wands descending into his hands, as Harry followed behind him. He likewise had his wand at the ready. Y/N whispered back to him:

"Be ready for anything Harry, and look forward but down like I am."

Harry copied Y/N and the pair moved forward. The Chamber was eerily lit by a number of torches and consisted of a large path lined with giant snake heads that led to a large semi circle pool of water and a giant sculpture of, presumably, Salazar Slytherin's head.

"Wonder if he was compensating for something" Y/N chuckled. Harry was oblivious to what he meant by that.

They continued to walk forward, though Harry was slightly behind Y/N, and was observing every move Y/N made in case anything kicked off. That was until they saw her.

Ginny was lying on the floor unconscious. Harry completely forgot their present circumstances and ran over to her in a panic, dropping his wand in the process.

"Harry!" Y/N whisper-yelled but was ignored as Harry arrived at Ginny and started to shake her.

"Ginny! Oh Ginny. Please don't be dead. Please wake up Ginny. Please wake up!"

Y/N however darted his eyes and wands around the room as he edged towards his little Gin-Gin. He could feel they were being watched, feel eyes boring into him- but no matter how many waves of legilimency he threw out he picked up no signals in return. No student at this school was able to resist his legilimency, not to this extent. Whoever the heir was it... something didn't add up. Y/N could sense a trap.

He edged over to Ginny slowly, pointing his wands around as he did, looking for any sign of who was waiting in the shadows. He sheathed his spare wand as he reached Gin-Gin, leaning down towards her and placing two fingers from his left hand onto her neck.

He held them there for a few moments as Harry watched him, Y/N's eyes still darting around the giant chamber, scanning their surroundings.

All the times Jacob had dumped him in forests, on hunts, in monster habitats with no supplies or warnings had prepared him for this very moment. His senses were tingling. They were being watched. They were being hunted. Y/N spoke quietly to Harry:

"I've got a pulse Harry but it's faint. She's still alive."

He then held the back of his hand over her mouth and nose.

"Her breathing is shallow... who the fuck are you?"

Y/N had shot to his feet as a teenage boy approached them. He stood protectively in front of Harry and Ginny as he roared again:

"I said who the fuck are you, cunt?"

The teen grinned strangely. He was brandishing Harry's wand. Y/N's right hand was holding his primary wand and was pointed at the stranger. His left hand, down at his side, silently unsheathed his spare wand. He quickly passed it behind himself to Harry. Harry heard Y/N in his head.

Use this to defend yourself and Ginny if you have to. I'll try and draw him away. The cunts got your wand.

Harry slowly picked up Y/N's spare wand as the mysterious boy spoke, ignoring Y/N as he said to Harry:

For You I Will #2- The Chamber Of Secrets Where stories live. Discover now