Dead Chickens and Strange Mirrors

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The first week of term had passed without incident, except for Y/N's nightmares. They were back and even more intense than before. Y/N would wake jumping and startled, gasping for breathe, covered in sweat. His heart would be almost beating out of his chest and gripped with anxiety. Needless to say he didn't get much sleep each night following that.


Y/N trudged down to the common room, feeling the effects of another night of broken sleep. Today was the second quidditch match of the year for Gryffindor and they were playing Hufflepuff.

Last year he had enjoyed a fun rivalry and a fair bit of teasing with Cedric leading up to the match. This year not a word was spoken. Both were too concerned over the safety of their Muggleborn 'girlfriends' to care about Quidditch. It was a case of both boys going through the motions, much to the chagrin of their respective teammates.

Y/N's mood slightly improved as he was wrapped in an enormous hug as soon as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey 'Mione" he smiled. She leant back from the hug and looked up at Y/N with concern.

"Trouble sleeping again?" she asked gently to which Y/N nodded. She guided him over to the couch and they sat there in silence for a while until Y/N said:

"Better get down to the Room of Requirement. This workout won't do itself."


The couple had been joined in the Great Hall for breakfast by Harry, Ron and Lavender. Y/N had said very little and Hermione could tell he was internally panicking.

"It'll be ok Y/N, I won't be alone. The guys and Beatrice are walking me over to the Quidditch pitch. Don't worry, ok."

Hermione smiled as she spoke gently, reaching up and lovingly stroking Y/N's face, trying her best to reassure and comfort him.

Y/N looked back at Hermione with worried eyes but nodded. He felt sick to his stomach today, but wasn't sure why. Probably nerves he admitted to himself but he wasn't sure.

Wood came over to take the team to prepare for the match. Y/N sighed and stood, hugging Hermione tightly and whispering:

"Don't go off alone? Please promise me you won't go off alone?"

She smiled and rubbed his cheek, whispering back: "I promise."

Y/N and Harry left with the team as Beatrice came over to join with the young Gryffindors.


After an hour or so it was time to leave for the match. The four students got up to leave the Great Hall and walked into the entranceway courtyard. It was a beautiful day and Hermione smiled at the cool breeze and warm sunshine on her face.

As they were walking through the courtyard they met up with Hagrid. He looked extremely unhappy as he stopped to speak to the students. It turned out someone had killed all the schools roosters. This morning's attack was the last rooster left in the school.

Hermione froze at his words. She remembered reading something about roosters while looking up magical snakes for Y/N. She turned to the others and gasped in excitement:

"I have to go to the library. I'll be at the game soon!"

She turned to leave but was grabbed hard on the arm. She turned shocked to see Lavender's worried glare:

"Hermione, No. You can't go by yourself!"

"Is it important Hermione?" Beatrice asked worriedly.

"Yes, extremely" Hermione answered with a look of intensity. Beatrice sighed and looked downwards:

"Ok I'll go with you- you two head to the match and save us a seat."

Ron and Lavender agreed and Hermione and Beatrice headed off towards the library.

Everything was quiet when they arrived, only Madam Pince was there, everyone else was probably at the game.

Hermione quickly found the book she wanted and wrote down three words on a piece of parchment.

Basilisk. Roosters. Pipes.

She shoved the parchment in her pocket and nodded to Beatrice. The two of them left the library. Hermione couldn't wait to tell Y/N her new lead. As they walked forward Hermione felt a strange sensation on her wrist and looked down as the bracelet she had been gifted by the Centaurs suddenly transfigured into a mirror in her hand.

"What is that Hermione?" Beatrice asked in confusion. Hermione began to panic fearfully.

"Oh no. Oh no. Oh no! We're in danger" Hermione told her older friend who suddenly got very fearful herself. Hermione squeezed on one of her earrings and spoke only a single word.


She held the mirror in one hand and her wand in the other, as she and Beatrice approached a corner of the hall.

She carefully held out the mirror, remembering Bane's words- danger could be lurking around any corner. Hermione and Beatrice both looked at the reflection in the mirror.

They Froze.


Y/N was sitting in the pre-match team discussion not listening to a word Wood said. He didn't care about this and he was angry at anyone who did. Hermione was in danger at this school- who the fuck cares about a stupid game when lives were at risk. He was pulled from his thoughts as he suddenly felt a vibration on his ear and heard Hermione whisper a single word.


Without saying a word he was off his seat in a flash, grabbing his broom, mounting it and flying out the tent at top speed. The crowd looked at him confused as he flew straight out the arena and back towards Hogwarts.

As Y/N flew he closed his eyes, looking magically through his 'extra eyes'. The Gryffindor girls corridor was clear but the eye on Hermione's necklace.... all Y/N could see was blackness- it must be tucked under her shirt.

"No no no no no!" He kept repeating to himself as he flew forward, squeezing his earring and asking "you ok?"

He sped passed the Headmaster and Professor McGonagall, ignoring their confused looks. When he heard nothing from the earring he attempted to contact Hermione through legilimency. He heard nothing back as tears filled his eyes.


Minerva and Albus were waking towards the game chatting peacefully. Everything had been quiet lately and they had been able to relax.

As they walked they both suddenly looked on in confusion as Y/N was flying towards them at high speed. He shot passed the pair, at tremendous speed, not saying a word as he sped straight for the castle.

They looked at each other momentarily puzzled before a horrific sense of realisation kicked in. Minerva could only squeak out:

"Oh no!" before the pair turned and rushed back towards the castle as quickly as they could.


Y/N reached the entrance courtyard and jumped/fell off his broom, tumbling to the ground in the process. He quickly raised to his feet and ran as fast as he could towards the library.

"Please be ok! Please be ok!" he kept repeating to himself in abject terror as he raced across the hallways, barrelling over any and all students in his path. He arrived at a corridor corner and turned it before stopping in his tracks.

He was too late. He had failed. Hermione and Beatrice were on the floor. They were dead. Hermione was dead.

Y/N's eyes opened wide. His heart was about to jump out of his chest. A gurgling, whining, crying sound emanating deep from within him and emerged quietly from his gaping mouth.

Y/N shattered into a million tiny pieces as his whole world had collapsed in front of him.

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