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It had been three days since Dumbledore had been removed and Hagrid taken to Azkaban. Professor McGonagall had been named interim Headmaster in Albus's absence.

Harry and Ron hadn't yet seen Y/N. Lavender said he was a mess when she went to the hospital wing Saturday night but wouldn't elaborate further than that.

Harry and Ron were sat with Lavender at dinner, two spaces empty next to her. Neville had tried to sit there but Lav yelled at him loudly, saying the seats were saved for Y/N and Hermione and they would need them when they came to dinner. Harry looked down, this was getting to Lavender too. It seemed like everything was falling apart.

It was about halfway through dinner when Ron first noticed- Y/N had quietly came to the Great Hall and was sat at the other end of the Gryffindor table by himself, eating in silence.

Harry smiled and got up to see his friend, but someone else had the same idea and got there first.


Draco watched as Y/N walked into the great hall and sat alone at the end of the Gryffindor table. He smiled to himself. The great Y/N L/N, defender of mudbloods and half breeds everywhere, reduced to this pathetic excuse of a wizard in front of him.

Y/N was unshaven, his eyes had bags the size of galleons under them, he had train tracks down his cheeks from where he had been crying. This was glorious. Y/N was broken and weak. It was time to embarrass him on behalf of the glorious and mighty House of Malfoy. It was time for payback.

"Watch this" he whispered to Pansy. She looked over to the broken form of Y/N and giggled. She hated that blood traitor. She wanted him to suffer.

Draco sauntered over, his full pure blood supremacist arrogance on display. His father had been beaten and embarrassed by this prick- it was time for revenge and he would enjoy it. The Great Hall all seemed to notice at the same time. The room went deathly silent.

"You look a little upset Y/N?" Draco snickered, turning back towards his table. He expected them all to be laughing. Pansy was sneering, the rest of the House had a look of fear on their faces- even Crabbe and Goyle. Draco turned back to Y/N:

"What's wrong L/N? Feeling a little lonely?" Still no response. This is magnificent Draco thought as he grinned to himself sadistically.

"Can't help but notice someone's missing... who could it be?"

Y/N stopped eating and put his fork down. Draco grinned further- he was getting a reaction. Any moment now L/N would start crying like a baby and Draco would stand over him, victorious, putting the filthy blood traitor in his place once and for all. He decided to go for the killer blow:

"Oh yes... Now I realise..." Draco chuckled "...where's that filthy little Mudblo- ack!"

He wasn't able to finish his sentence. In a time that didn't seem humanly possible Y/N was on him. He easily lifted Draco with one hand which was secured around the Slytherin's throat... and the hand was squeezing hard.

Draco looked into Y/N's eyes and saw a look beyond even pure rage and hatred. It looked like a nightmare you wouldn't wake up from. Draco felt a warmth travel down his leg, and his head started to feel faint from a lack of oxygen. He realised he was about to die. His eyes began to roll back as he heard Y/N's voice in his head:

All that comes out of your mouth is filth Malfoy. You don't deserve one.

Had Draco been able to look around the Great Hall at that point, rather than desperately trying to remain conscious, he would have seen hundreds of students with the same puzzled expression on their faces. Everyone in the hall had heard Y/N's voice telepathically. Y/N pulled Draco closer and whispered in his ear:


He lifted Draco further in the air and threw him across the nearby Hufflepuff table, students and food sent flying. Draco landed on the ground face down with a thud and tried desperately to breathe in. He couldn't breathe through his mouth but could inhale the life preserving gas through his nose.

As he caught his breathe he turned around towards Pansy who had rushed to his side. When she saw his face she screamed. The other students around him gasped with panicked looks their eyes. Draco was momentarily confused until he lifted a hand to his face and felt... nothing... just a flat patch of skin. It was at this point he realised.

Y/N had taken his mouth.

Goyle lifted him up to run out the hall and find Professor Snape. Draco fled the great hall as whispers and glares met his gaze. He was dirty, urine soaked and tear stained. He retreated. Ron turned to Harry as they watched Draco leave:

"Did you hear Y/N's voice in your head too Harry?"

Harry looked at him with fear and nodded. It soon became apparent everyone had heard Y/N's voice.

Harry had a small anxiety attack. If Y/N hadn't meant to do that then it meant he was losing control of his powers. Last time he lost control he turned Quirrell to ashes. Harry understood now why the Ministry was so afraid of him. His concern for his friend had now grown even more.

For You I Will #2- The Chamber Of Secrets Where stories live. Discover now