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The Hogwarts Express pulled into Kings Cross, smoke bellowing from its chimneys, and Hermione found herself not wanting to disembark.

She looked out the window and saw Dean and Penny standing talking with her Mum and Dad. Hermione smiled. In her last owl Monica had mentioned the two couples were really good friends now, having dinner together frequently.

Penny being a Muggleborn was a constant help to Monica and Wendell when it came to adjusting to the overwhelming differences with the Wizarding World.

While that made her really happy, she had hoped they would be late. She didn't want to leave Y/N.

The group disembarked the train and said their goodbyes, Cedric and Beatrice saying hello to Penny and Dean before leaving with Amos, Lavender leaving with her parents and Harry and Ron going off together.

Hermione and Y/N both dragged their feet, slowly heading over to the four guardians hand in hand.

Penny immediately noticed the couples interlocked fingers as lit up, asking hopefully:

"So does this mean...?"

Y/N chuckled as he and Hermione pecked each other on the lips. Penny squealed loudly, Monica and Dean laughed at her excitement while Wendell looked around uncomfortably and not too happily.

"We're together now" Y/N said proudly: "Hermione has made me the luckiest man in the world."

Hermione blushed and laid her head on his shoulder as Penny practically screamed:

"We are so happy for you both!"

Again Monica and Dean nodded in unison while Wendell grumbled before Monica slapped him on the arm. Hermione stifled a laugh before her father said:

"You're still gonna be my baby girl, but I'm happy for you both. I know you're a good man Y/N, and you'll treat my daughter right"

Y/N nodded and said solemnly:

"On all my honour I will protect her with my life, sir."

Hermione couldn't help but lean up and kiss him as he finished speaking. He was always such a gentleman, but she knew they weren't just empty words. Y/N had proven that time and time again. Hermione looked back at her parents and Dean and Penny:

"We were hoping to spend some time at each other's houses over summer"

"Yeah we really hope that's ok" Y/N added.

"Well you have to spend the next month with Jacob, Y/N. When we last spoke he said you had some really important things to teach you. That you need to be shown. After that you're coming back to our house. Maybe Hermione could come and stay with us then?" Dean finished speaking looking at the Grangers.

"Then Y/N can come to our house for a few weeks" Monica added with a smile.

Hermione smiled at her Mum gratefully. Monica had always liked Y/N, from the first time they had met him in Diagon Alley. Hermione thought back to that first meeting. How small they both were then. She looked up at her boyfriend standing next to her. He was pushing 6' now. He was pretty much a man at 13.

"That would be fantastic" Y/N said, smiling broadly: "If you're happy with that 'Mione?"

"Definitely" she said smiling back at her boyfriend.

"Although I'm really gonna miss you for the next month."

Y/N's brow furrowed as he replied:

"I'm gonna miss you too sweetheart. But it will make it so much easier getting through Jacobs... training... knowing I have you to come back to"

For You I Will #2- The Chamber Of Secrets Where stories live. Discover now