Cancelled Classes

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Y/N trudged back up the stairs towards the Gryffindor common room. It was 6:10am and he was exhausted. He had been in the library all night, researching magical snakes.

He had arrived just before curfew. When Madam Pince had approached him and told him it was time to leave for the night he had replied he needed to work and could she please leave the lights on.

She thought better of arguing with him, given the look on his face and the way he had been conducting himself lately, and she went straight to her office, sending a flying note straight to Professor McGonagall.

McGonagall and the Headmaster arrived ten minutes later and along with Madam Pince, approached the desk Y/N had set himself up at cautiously.

"Y/N, it is time for curfew, you need to-"

The Headmaster was cut off abruptly:

"Harry's a Parseltongue, Headmaster. Whatever the monster is, it's a Magical Snake, that's why we could both hear it. I need to try and figure out what the fuck I'm up against."

Albus turned to Madam Pince and said simply:

"Irma, please leave the lights on and lock the door behind you."


Irma Pince had returned to the Library at 6:00am, and was shocked to see Professor Snape already waiting for her.

"Professor, what can I do for you?" Madam Pince asked in surprise.

"Just stopped in with a Wideye Potion for Y/N, Irma" the Potions Master said in his usual tone.

"Yes, young Mr. L/N was his usual charming self last night" Irma tutted as she unlocked the door.

"My Godson is under a lot of stress at the moment Irma, perhaps you can cut him some slack."

Pince's mouth opened in shock at Severus's words as he quickly walked passed her into the now open library and towards his godson.

"Thought you could use this" he smiled as he placed the Potion bottle on the desk. Y/N looked up to Severus with a tired smile and replied:

"Thanks Sev."


Y/N arrived at the Gryffindor common room to see the room empty. He sat down on the couch and downed the potion quickly, before leaning back and closing his eyes, waiting for the magical brew to take effect. He was sat for a few moments before he felt someone sit next to him and wrap their arms around his arm, leaning their head on his shoulder. He smiled without opening his eyes.

"Typical of you, Y/N L/N. I sit out here for an hour and you come back just when I go to the bathroom. You didn't get any sleep did you?"

Hermione's voice was laced with concern, all Y/N could hear though was the voice of an angel.

"No sweet I didn't. Sev dropped off a Wideye Potion for me though."

Y/N opened his eye and smiled, he looked down to see Hermione's eyes full of concern.

"I'll be alright once the potion kicks in love" Y/N spoke calmly, attempting to sooth Hermione's worry. She sighed and nodded, asking:

"Did you have any luck?"

"Nothing. No luck at all" Y/N growled in frustration. Hermione was shocked as she asked in confusion:

"So you couldn't find any magical snakes?"

Y/N sighed again, rubbing his eyes with his free hand:

"Oh no quite the opposite. There are dozens. Ashwinders, Boomslangs, Basilisks, Runespoors, Hydras, Nagas, Gorgons, Lamiurs, Rainbow serpents, Horned Serpents, Sea Serpents, Jormungandr, Ouroboros- the list goes on. But none match what we have."

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