Loose ends and the Darkness Inside

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Y/N spent the afternoon getting to know Hermione's family better. He and Ray bonded discussing Y/N's workout routine, Ray was impressed by his discipline.

Peggy gushed at Hermione's stories about Y/N's sweetness and romantic side. They had a lovely afternoon, enjoying the Granger family barbecue. He left in the evening, just after 9:00pm, surprised he hadn't heard from Jacob yet. It was a difficult goodbye, Hermione cried a lot, even Y/N got emotional, saying he would see Hermione in a month. That he loved her. That he would miss her terribly but would think of her everyday. They had kissed a lot before finally parting, Y/N apparating.

He arrived at Penny and Dean's apartment. The lights were on but it appeared no one was home. He called out:

"Penny? Dean?"

Penny emerged from her bedroom. Her eyes were red and puffy, it was obvious she had been crying. Y/N approached her as quick as he could and hugged her, asking: "Pens what's wrong?"


Y/N was in bed, laying uncomfortably on his side. Dean had apparently sprung on Penny he was going to Egypt for a week. He had popped home briefly, packed a bag and gone while Y/N was at Hermione's house. Y/N had hugged Penny as she cried, a lot. It had taken well over an hour of hugs and then laying behind Penny, his arm wrapped around her, before she finally fell asleep.

Y/N had quietly got up and headed to his bedroom. He was furious at his brother for doing this. The more mad he got, the more another voice echoed from deep inside him.

Five survivors... a loose end.

Y/N smirked to himself, a dark plan forming in his mind as he surrendered to sleep.


Y/N woke at 5:00am. He noticed the wrap had disappeared from his abdomen. Chiara said it would happen when the healing elements had completely absorbed. He stood, a bit stiff, but much better than before.

He placed a shirt on and pulled out a jumper, transfiguring a logo on its front. He took another shirt and magically transfigured it to another item he wanted. He smirked, placing the item and jumper on, placing a black jacket over the top. His costume was complete. They called him the Punisher. He would give them a Punisher. He smirked and chuckled before apparating.


Nymphadora Tonks was sat in a darkened room of St. Mungo's, next to the female survivor of the Punisher's attack- Louise Sloane. She was in the first cubicle of the room, the four comatose men across and down from where she sat.

Louise was awake, laying away from Tonks, crying to herself. The healers had said she was severely traumatised by the event. Tonks hadn't tried to reassure or empathise with the woman- the things she had done to Magical Creatures... it was hard to feel pity for her.

Tonks was just starting to drift off when Louise suddenly shot up in bed, looking terrified as there was a loud bang and screams from outside the room.

"He's back! He's come to finish the job!" She cried hysterically.

Tonks was on her feet, wand out as she shushed the prisoner, and walked quickly to open the door and peer out. Her eyes widened.


Y/N apparated to the front door of St. Mungo's, as close as he could get with the anti-apparition wards in place. It was quiet at this time in the morning. Y/N placed himself under a disillusionment charm and walked forward.

For You I Will #2- The Chamber Of Secrets Where stories live. Discover now