Unimaginable Power and Long Desired Locations

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The family returned to the Burrow and Y/N was in an especially aggravated mood. He went to the backyard and knelt, attempting to meditate, to calm himself. After a frustrating ten minutes he swore and yelled out to Molly who was just exiting the house to check on him.

"Molly I'm going out for a while. I'll be back later"

Before she could reply Y/N had apparated. Molly sighed. She was greatly concerned for her godson.


Y/N appeared at his desired destination. The biting cold brought a smile to his face. India was five and a half hours ahead of Britain and as he had left in mid afternoon the area he had landed was pitch black already. The only light for miles was the pitched torches leading up the narrow path to Kedarnath. Y/N smiled again happily.

He walked up the path to the main temple of the complex, smiling and nodding at several wizards he passed- a Muslim cleric, several Buddhist Monks, even a couple of Franciscans- many came in pilgrimage from all walks of life to become disciples of Lord Dhalsim. Y/N had no clue why he was given such an honoured and sought after position at his age, to be one to sit at Dhalsim's feet so freely. He walked passed Dhalsim's Pujaris, the men who stopped many from entering his temple's interior, and they bowed to Y/N as he returned it.

Why Y/N was held in such high regard he didn't know. There was the Prophesied One nonsense that 311 and the Department of Mysteries seemed so obsessed with, the one that Voldemort had seemed so certain on- that Y/N was going to be the one to kill Voldemort- but that was Britain. The Wizarding nations were particularly unacquiesced to engage in the affairs of other Wizarding nations. As long as the matter was dealt with or only affected internal politics, there was no reason for Y/N being the Prophesied One of Britain to have any sway or respect here.

Y/N had argued with Jacob all summer for more information about the prophecy, not to mention Voldemort's goading over Y/N's (and therefore Jacobs) lineage. Jacob refused to discuss either matter. Y/N wasn't a fool, he knew something was going on he was kept in the dark about. It was something important, but he let the matter lie for the time being. Hermione's safety remained his only priority.

Y/N walked forward and approached the seated Lord, placing his hands together and bowing:

Y/N walked forward and approached the seated Lord, placing his hands together and bowing:

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It was returned by the aged Master who then smiled, asking:

"I sense tremendous turmoil in you Shishya. You are not able to find your quiet"

"No master" Y/N replied as he knelt in a seated position of balance. "It is why I returned. There was an incident, a number of incidents and Hermione just went home... I feel..."

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