Some Old Friends

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Y/N glared as he finished with the Dursley's. He looked down at their broken, bleeding, quivering bodies with disgust. He sneered at them viciously:

"The only reason you're still breathing is that Albus Dumbledore said it's important Harry live in this house, to keep him safe... but I swear if you harm a hair on his head again not even Dumbledore will be able to save you. Your ends will come slow. They will come bloody and painfully. You will beg for the release of death a long time before it comes!"

Y/N spat on the floor in front of a weeping Vernon, snarling and muttering "pathetic" as he left the upstairs hallway. He exited to the backyard and looked at the sun that was just starting to break over the horizon. The boys would just about be getting back to the burrow. Y/N cast a cleaning spell on himself, removing the Dursley's blood before apparating.


The sun was just starting to rise as the small blue Ford Anglia flew along the Devon countryside. It lowered shakily before landing with a jerk on the long sweeping drive of the Burrow.

The light had just poked over the nearby hills as Harry and the three Weasley boys got out the car, illuminating the Burrow to resemble the finest Rembrandt. It was truly a scene of magnificence. Harry fell in love with the ramshackled home instantly.

"Ok remember lads, quietly" Fred spoke barely above a whisper.

"What about Y/N?" Harry asked worriedly. "How is he going to meet us here?"

The redheads shrugged their shoulders before a pop next to them caused Ron to jump and shriek. Y/N appeared next to the boys, instantly grabbing Harry by the arm and pulling him behind the car. He examined Harry's black eye and then looked him over, checking over the rest of his body.

"Any breaks Harry? Any other pain?"

"No, Y/N. He only hit me once."

Harry noticed Y/N's fists clench. He quickly hugged his best friend in an attempt to calm him down.

"It's ok Y/N. You guys saved me. I'm ok".

Harry pulled back from the hug and looked up at Y/N, worried to ask the big question. Y/N spoke up, as if he has used his legilimency on the boy.

"Harry. They had to learn the lesson. I taught them one they will never forget".

"Did you kill them?" Harry asked with concern. Y/N looked at him momentarily before answering:

"No. But if they hurt you again I will k-"

Y/N was cut off the the shrill sound of Molly Weasley's yell.

"Where have you been?"

Harry and Y/N looked up to see Molly and Hermione standing in the doorway, both with their hands on their hips.

"Fuck!" Y/N looked down, whispering to himself.

Harry swore he saw a look of fear in his best friend's eyes. It was fear, and it wasn't fear of his godmother.


The boys heard the yell and jumped. One of them more so than they others. It seemed Hermione had picked up from Molly quite quickly. Her angry glare rested solely upon Y/N.

"Beds empty..." Molly started.

"No note" Hermione concluded.

The two females were finishing each other's sentences now. This wasn't good.

"You could have died...."

"You could have been seen"

"This is terrifying" Ron whispered to Harry. "It's like they're twins"

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