Polyjuice Potion

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The following day Y/N and Hermione spoke in code over breakfast, formulating their plan of attack. It was fortunate they had double DADA after lunch.

Following a quick meal at lunch the two went to the Owlery, where Y/N borrowed Hedwig to order two copies of Moste Potente Potions from Madam Villanelle. He wrote on the note for their usual arrangement to proceed with this order and that cost was of no concern.

Hermione observed the note being written over Y/N's shoulder, which was usual, they had no secrets from each other, and she asked shyly, fairly certain of the answer already:

"Two copies, Y/N?"

He looked at her and smirked.

"What? You don't think I'd buy a copy for myself and not for you, do you?"

Hermione blushed shyly and answered quietly:

"Thank you."

"Of course. I should really get my own owl over summer though" Y/N chuckled, stroking Hedwig who hooted happily and flew off.


The pair had headed straight to the library following this, showing Madam Pince their note and entering the Restricted Section. Hermione quickly found Moste Potente Potions while Y/N quickly grabbed another book- Jinxes, Hexes and Curses and How to Create them. Y/N had been experimenting more and more in his spare time, Magical Theory becoming more and more a passion of his, but this particular volume was almost impossible to source, even for the wonderfully resourceful Madam Villanelle.

A quick borrow and away from the anti-copying wards of the library he could make himself a copy and then return it, no one being any the wiser.

The pair took their books to Madam Pince, who checked out Hermione's book without batting an eyelid.

Y/N's book though earned him the third degree. He was in quite an obstinate mood so when Madam Pince questioned why he wanted the book he replied:

"So I can create a bloody curse woman! Why do you think I want the bloody book?"

Pince's mouth dropped. Hermione's mouth dropped open before she quickly put her brain into gear, smiling, laughing and gently slapping Y/N on the arm.

"I told you, no playing pranks on staff members, silly. Now go wait over there and I'll sort your book out. Go on!"

She pointed towards the library door, giving Y/N a firm look that said 'you should listen Mr.'

Y/N raised an eyebrow at his diminutive girl.. er- best friend, nodding and walking off. When he was out of earshot Hermione turned to the still gobsmacked librarian.

"I am so sorry Madam Pince, but you have to understand..."


Y/N had been sitting outside the library for about five minutes when Hermione finally exited. He stood as she approached, handing him the two books which he shrunk and placed in his pouch.

"So what happened in there?" She asked with a difficult to read expression.

"I was... uh, it was just a stupid question. It pissed me off. I mean why would anyone borrow a library book."

Hermione looked at Y/N silently for a few moments before asking:

"How many hours sleep have you got the last few days?"

"Not much, but I'm fine, it's just-"

"We're sleeping in our special place tonight. You always sleep better when I'm next to you."

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