Easter Break

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A/N: Trigger warning for sexual assault and violence.

Two months had flown by since the disaster of Valentine's Day. Everything had seemed to calm around Hogwarts, even Y/N was beginning to relax slightly. He wouldn't let Hermione out of his sight, but otherwise was slightly relaxed. It was the first Monday morning of the Easter Break.

Unsurprisingly, Y/N and Hermione had decided to go home for the holidays. Y/N had to go with Jacob for the first week, but the pair were able to spend the second week together, splitting it between Hermione's home and Dean and Penny's.

Harry, Ron and Lavender all had to stay at Hogwarts for various reasons and so Y/N and Hermione shared a compartment on the Express back to London with Beatrice and Cedric. It was nice to catch up with them and about halfway through they were joined by three first year Ravenclaws. Y/N enjoyed catching up with Patroclus a great deal. He hadn't spent anywhere near the amount of time with his younger cousin he had wanted to. He apologised but Patroclus understood with everything that was going on. They talked the entire way back to London.

Upon arriving Amos Diggory was there to pick up both Cedric and Beatrice. Beatrice was spending the fortnight at her boyfriend's house and was extremely excited about it. Y/N greeted Amos warmly and introduced Hermione.

Y/N also introduced Hermione to his Uncle Andrew, or Drew, as Y/N called him who had apparated from Ireland to pick Patroclus up. Hermione smiled at how warmly Y/N and Drew spoke to each other and how much Drew looked like Thomas from the pictures she had seen.

The two sat on a bench together, Y/N's arm around Hermione's shoulder, her head resting on him, as they waited for their respective guardians

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The two sat on a bench together, Y/N's arm around Hermione's shoulder, her head resting on him, as they waited for their respective guardians.

It wasn't a surprise when Dean, Penny, Monica and Wendell walked up together, chatting like old friends.

Penny ran up and gave them both a hug as was her usual way. She then asked if they were a couple yet and was most disappointed when Y/N had said no.

"What exactly are you waiting for Y/N? Old age?" Penny asked in frustration.

Hermione giggled and Y/N looked decidedly unimpressed.

"I asked Hermione if we could wait until the end of the year Penny. I can't concentrate on being her boyfriend right now when I'm solely concerned with keeping her safe."

Penny was suitably unimpressed with this answer but didn't press the issue. The two teenagers took their usually long drawn out time saying goodbye before finally parting. Both were upset at this.

Y/N arrived home to be almost instantly whisked away by Jacob. They arrived at Mad-Eye's house.


Y/N had given the pair a full run down of the events at Hogwarts so far. Moody listened intently. Jacob was furious:

"Fucking Malfoy that gutless cunt! Have my brother whipped like a dog! I'm gonna fucking kill him!"

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