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"Hey." Chris says to me in that soft almost sweetly feminine voice of his.

"Hey." I reiterate as I pull him closer and his hands slip around my neck.

"Why are you out here?"

"He likes you."


"He likes you." I repeat.

"He does not. He's straight."

"Are you sure about that? Cause my eyes weren't deceiving me. Plus, why is he so hell-bent on hating me?"

"He's my friend and he's protective."


"Let's not talk about him anymore." He states before kissing me and I let him.

My hands slowly massage his sides before cupping his round behind and I swiftly lifted him up as his tongue reunited with my own. I wanted to get lost in the essence that was him as I sure he felt the same but the loud clearing of throat had us pulling apart as I reluctantly allowed Chris to slip off me.

"Lexi?!" Chris says surprised. "What's up?"

"I came to check on you. Trent is inside already getting wasted-"

"Shit, maybe I should go check on him." Chris exclaims and is about to head inside when I pulled him by his waist in an attempt to stop him.

Alexis also hurriedly shakes her hands and head no so as to stop him. "It's fine, his- whatever she is- is inside watching over him. He should be fine-."

She stops talking, folds her hands and glares at me. I go to say something in order to defend myself but the rasing of her right eyebrow had me snapping my mouth shut again as I cowardly shift Chris in front of me for protection.

"I know tomorrow is your birthday and so we should be doing everything to ensure you have a good time but... be considerate here. We all know the history of you guys and although we wanna believe your intentions for him are pure, it'll take some time. Okay?"

I sighed deeply as I felt Chris reach behind him to pull on the side of my shirt. It was his way of quietly reassuring me that we would be okay and I nod at Alexis as my tolerance level got depleted and all I wanted to do was run away with him so we could be alone.

"Good. Then my work here is done. You go hang with your friends, I need Chris to go gossip with."

Again I go to protest but the 'I dare you to' look on her face had me hurriedly putting my hands up in defeat.

Chris turns to face me, gives a chaste kiss on my lips, tiptoes to whisper 'I love you' in my ear then heads off with Alexis into the house.

Sighing once more at my obvious defeat, I too head inside for some food and a bottle of dark liquor before sauntering off towards the few people at the back of the cabin that went there to smoke weed in peace.

"Want a pull?" A random guy asks and I was about to say yes but shake my head instead.

Inhaling the delectable smell of the illegal substance was enough to put me in a better mood and I found a vacant tree stump to sit on as I ate the plate full of cutters I brought with me.

A few hours later and I had moved from the stump to the middle of the living room as many of the drunk ones got lost in the music. I had no clue where my closet friends or boyfriend ran off to and as we all shouted the lyrics to the song currently playing, we all jumped and danced in our own drunken fashion.

My clothing were drenched with sweat and my pores leaked alcohol as I continuously stumbled around the slowly spinning room before I dazedly made my way to a bedroom. I vaguely saw some folks there but as I took a small section of the bed and covered myself to block out the bright light, I paid less attention to what was around me as I dozed off.


"Wakey wakey birthday boy."

I heard the distant sound of my closest friend sounding quietly in the background yet my vision was covered in complete darkness. I could feel the tug of my arms as my body is being jerked and I let out a groan as I struggled to find the light.

The second my eyes opened I felt a sharp pain attack the front of my head and Eric was just a frame out of reach as I threw up the contents of the night before.

"Ugh." I groaned out loud the second my mouth was freed from its torture.

"Fuck man, these are clean."

"Sorry." I all but mumbled as I rolled over and placed the pillow over my eyes if only to darken the wretched sunlight penetrating the window directly in front of me.

"Come on, let's go to the kitchen. I can get Bri to make you a hangover remedy."

I tried to say I couldn't move but the pillow muffled my words before it was quickly yanked away.

"I'm not taking no for an answer."

20 minutes later and I barely made it to the kitchen as I sat down at the island and allowed my head to rest against the cold tile.

"Awe, poor baby. You must be so hungover, huh?" Alexis says as I heard her enter.

A kiss on my head top had me peeking up and I smiled as I saw Chris wink at me.

"Hi." I mumble up at him.

"Hi birthday boy." He braces the countertop and looks down at me. "I missed you in my bed this morning."

I go to respond but Alexis is shouting how he lied since he slept with her and never complained or thought of me until just that second. Chris sticks out his tongue and she rolls her eyes before Eric once again forces me to drink the weird smelling concoction his girlfriend made.

It didn't take more than half an hour for the drink to kick in and I felt worlds better so I took a shower, dressed and headed back down. Most of the persons there had left around 10 and I was happy to see that only Danny, Eric, Chris, Alexis, Bri, Jon, and Alexis fiancé, remained.

Pulling Chris from his position on the couch, I lead him to the kitchen.

"Everyone is dressed and waiting for you."

I kiss him, gripping his ass as I pulled him closer. "Thanks for yesterday."

"You're welcome."

"Thanks for these past few months. Thanks for giving me another chance. Thanks for still loving me."

"Are you crying?"


He pulls my face from his shoulder to look at me and I smirk as he rolls his eyes. "Of course I still love you dumbass. I will always love you."


"How can I prove it to you?"

"Lemme fuck you on my birthday."

"I'm all for you two lovebirds screwing your brains out but if Alexis or Derek comes in here, we're all screwed." Jon says and I groaned as Chris lightly taps me on the cheek before pulling out from my arms and following behind Jon.

Ugh, my birthday sucks.

Loving Chris (TTSPG Book3)Where stories live. Discover now