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"He's awake." Alexis says while eyeing me.

"Wanna come see him with me?" Chris looked in my direction as he stood near the waiting area and I looked over at Alexis.

The twins had left with Jon a few minutes after we arrived, saying they had work in the morning but promised that they would call to make sure everyone was fine. It was almost three am now and the tiredness mixed with exhaustion was showing on both Chris and Alexis's face.

"Is it okay if we go in together?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"The doctor only wants one person at a time to visit and we could only stay for a little while because he's still so weak."

I look at Chris and gave him a reassuring smile. Standing quickly, I pull him into a quick embrace and told him I'd be waiting right here when he gets back.

He walks the short distance to the elevator and I sighed as I wanted to go with him. At least my body did. My mind was trying to keep itself distracted because the last time I was in a hospital, I had lost someone.

"Don't you have to work soon?" I heard Alexis ask and I looked at her as she stood a ways away from me.

"Come sit."

"I prefer to stand."

"Come on Alexis, you're exhausted, I can see it on your face. Just come sit next to me and be angry if you want."

She watches me before caving and when I expected her to sit about 6 chairs away, I was pleasantly surprised when she chose the seat next to me.

"I still hate you."


We sat in silence for about five minutes before I felt her head on my shoulder and I smiled as she instantly fell asleep. Her body was drained from everything and so I put my arm around her so she would feel more comfortable.


"Hey." I looked up as Chris appeared.

"She sleeping?"

"Yea. What did the doctor say?"

"That we should go home and rest. Come back around visiting hours."

"Is he fine though?"

"For now. They're still monitoring him but he should be okay."

"Should we call his parents or something?"

"He doesn't have any. He was a foster kid. He only has us and I guess the girl he's seeing?"

"Oh, well... do you guys want me to take you home? We'll have to take a cab cause my car isn't here."

I suddenly remembered Stacy and hoped she was okay. I had abandoned her at the club like an insensitive friend and I mentally made a note to call when I had the chance.

"Could we just crash at your place?"

"Yea, sure."

He pulls out his phone and starts walking and I slowly stood before lifting Alexis. She was so tired that the move did nothing to wake her and we got into one of the many taxis that worked outside. Minutes later we were inside my place and I took Alexis to my room before tucking her in. Chris and I would have to choose between the crowded spare room and the couch tonight.

"I tucked her in." I say, finding him with his legs crossed on the couch and my blanket wrapped around his body snugly.

"Good. She is very exhausted. That's way too much excitement for one day."

Loving Chris (TTSPG Book3)Where stories live. Discover now