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I stared up at the ceiling and quietly listened to the beating of Chris' heart as he laid fast asleep in my arms. It was almost 4 in the morning and yet the last thing on my mind was sleep.

Instead, all that I thought about, all that consumed my mind, was the thought of being here with him. I never wanted to lose another person in my life ever again and from the way I reacted at the thought that I had lost him, I knew that there was no way I would willingly give him up.

Rubbing my nose against the mess that was his too long hair, I planted a soft kiss before chuckling at the fact that he immediately sighed in his sleep. His mouth slightly opening, I was tempted to kiss him awake but I knew both our bodies were spent from the previous acts of love making.

"I love you." I whispered against his ear before kissing his hair covered forehead. Again he sighs and I smile at the unconscious action.

I had no idea when I fell asleep but the smell of left over pizza and strong coffee was enough for me to open my eyes as my nose flared up.

"I knew I'd get you to wake." Chris says as he lays the tray on the bed between us.


"You still sleep like the dead."

"Did you try to wake me?"

"Since 8. Its now almost lunch."

"Sorry. Stayed up most of the night so I was a bit tired."

"And here I thought my bussy was enough to put you to sleep."

I choked on my coffee and went into a horrible coughing fit as I heard his last statement before he hurriedly tried to save my cup from spilling its contents as I nearly die.

"What?" I cough as he puts the tray onto the bedside table.

"Huh? Nothing."

"Your what?"

He shakes his head and shyly looks away from me and I raise my eyebrow at his sudden change in mood.

"Oh no. You're not allowed to act all shy after boldly saying what you just said."

"Mmm, this pizza is so good."

"Oh really?" I asked sarcastically before grabbing the rest and getting on top of him, his body almost squished beneath me.

"Does it taste better than me?"

"I don't know, I haven't tasted you as yet."

I turned my head slightly at his response before stealing a quick kiss. "Have you always been this bold with your words?"

"You know I'm worse when I get ready. Don't act all surprised now."

"Mhmm. God I missed you."


I reluctantly got off him as his phone vibrated, opting instead to lie beside him if only to stare at his clothed form.

When I heard him greet his mom, I took the opportunity to head to the bathroom to take a leak before showering and brushing my teeth.

"Hey, told your mom hi for me?"



"She hates you."



"No bullshit."

"Deadass. She will never forget the way you treated me before."

He looks at me before laying close enough to the head rest that his body laid slant and I took the opportunity to brace the bedroom door.

Loving Chris (TTSPG Book3)Where stories live. Discover now