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It was night when we got home and the drive was the quietest drive either of us ever encountered. Chris sped to get us home and I didn't have the energy to tell him to slow down as that tiny part of me hoped we'd die together.

Chris takes my hand and leads me into his apartment and I quietly followed. "Are you hungry?"

I shook my head.

"Imma go get us some water, okay?"

I nodded.

"Here. Drink this."

I swallowed and he took the glass.

"Damon. Please look at me."

I finally looked up to see that we were in his bedroom. Me on his bed and him standing near the closed door. He comes towards me and kneels.

"I've never seen you look this way. It's a bit scary."

I say nothing as I hold his gaze.

"You look like you've given up on us. On me. Have you?"

I say nothing for a while but rest my head on his shoulder, turning my face into his neck as I murmur for him to not leave me.

"I'm rich." He says as he pushes my head up.

I stare at him.

"Gosh you're stupid when you're sad." He tries to joke but I blankly stare at him. "God! I can travel back and forth to be with you dummy."

He slaps my arm and rolls his eyes before standing, opting instead to push me onto the bed and sit on my lap.

"So can you please look alive again? I wanna kiss my perverted boyfriend."

He leans to my ear. "It's still your birth night. Don't you wanna fuck me?"

He raises up and looks down at me and although I can finally hear the heart beneath my chest, I still try to play sad.

Chris smirks as he leans back further. "You can't fool me baby." He moves his hips above me. "I can feel the life coming back to you."

I finally smile as I raise up on my elbow and his excited smile makes mine widen. "I hate you." I say as I shake my head at him.

"Can you hate fuck me?"

I took in his serious face before grabbing him and throwing him onto the bed before quickly kneeling between his open legs. In an instant my trunks is gone as I never put on the clothing from our time by the cabin and I smirk as I watch Chris' cheeks taint red as he stared at my cock.

"Remember, you begged for it." I whisper by his ear as I pushed his Jersey to his hands and kept it there, restraining his arm movements.

I can hear his breath catch as I kiss the sides of his mouth, his eyes, his chin, nibbling as I slip my hand past his pants and cupping his very hard and throbbing cock.

"You want me, don't you?" I whisper as I stare at him.

"Yes." Chris breathes out as he closes his eyes.

"Keep them open." I command as a finger slips towards his ass. The wetness of his precum, my lubricant. "Keep them open or I'll make you regret it."

I bit his ear as I shove my finger as far as they would go in his ass and his eyes snap open as he lets out a moan. "Please D. Please."

His nails sink into my arm and I realize the Jersey was pushed off. I sit back on my legs and tsked as I looked down at him. "Bad boy. Looks like you broke the rule."

I pull his pants and brief off and pull his legs apart as I leant down and took his length into my mouth. Without losing a beat my finger slipped back in and I feel his fingers gripping my hair as he moans loudly.

Sitting up and pulling his lower half towards me, I place a pillow beneath the curvature of his back before spreading his ass and slipping my tongue along the pink opening.

He tasted like sweat and his sweet essence and I groaned as my tongue forced its way in. Chris is balling the sheets in his hands as he cries out my name and I could feel my own precum dripping onto my thigh as I heard my name.

Removing the pillow, I reached for his drawer and hoped to find condoms and lube there. Smirking, I pulled out both and slipped on the condom as I got to work stretching his ass.

His moans were too quiet for me and so with my free hand I gripped his dick as I stared into his eyes.

"Stop! Stop! I'm gonna come if you don't stop!" He begs and I slow my actions as I feel him starting to tense up.

Leaning down, I kiss his ear before whispering. "I apologize in advance for tonight."

He looks up at me seconds before I moved to suck his length again and he's loudly cumming as three of my fingers invade the inside of his once two tight ass.

I let his seed fall out of my mouth and into my hand as I use it to fill him. Seconds later I'm slowly pushing my cock to the hilt of him and he starts to shake as I press the full weight of my body on top, covering him.

Chris immediately wraps his legs around me but I pull his arms loose as I press his legs to his stomach before slowly then harshly moving. My cock has a clear shine to it as it smoothly navigates his ass and I grip his waist as I needed the maximum movement possible.

"Please!" He pleads but that's all I hear as I suck on his nipples.

"Please what?"

Incoherent sounds and broken breathing.

"Please what Chris?"

Moans and sinking of nails into my waist before wrapping his arms around my neck and forcing us to be skin to skin.

"Please what?" I say huskily as I feel him tighten around me as his semen becomes trapped between our stomachs seconds before I'm cumming.

I watch as his entire body goes limp as he closes his eyes satisfied and I smirk as I'm far from done.

"I'm going to fuck you until our condoms run out. Are you ready?"

Loving Chris (TTSPG Book3)Where stories live. Discover now