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"Chris." Eric says and the trio jump as they discover they weren't alone.

"Derek." He murmurs, shocked.

"Come here."

I watched in silence as Trent stands and rolls his eyes before sighing.

"Always Derek to the rescue."

Eric pulls Chris securely behind him and glances quickly over his shoulder. Whether to ensure he wasn't crying or upset, I didn't know but my heart pained a little as I wanted to be the one to check on him.

"You have no right to yell at him this way." Eric scolds quietly.

"You're the one who have no right here!" Trent snaps. "You're the best friend of that dirtbag. How can you even feel good about knowing how he broke Chris' heart over and over again? He even made out with your brother and yet you wanna stand here in support of him."

"I know exactly what he's been through. I was there when they ended things. I was there for him and not for Damon and with every right too. He needed to learn that some mistakes forces you to face reality. He went through learning from his mistakes for two years. Even if we don't feel like he's changed. Even though we might not want to forgive him and try our best to protect Chris, at the end of the day, the decision is up to the two of them."

"He doesn't think straight when it comes to him and you know it."

"He isn't stupid enough to keep making dumb decisions!" Alexis cuts in.

"He's smart enough to know what's right for him. He-"

"Is he? No offense Chris but you've never been able to make proper decisions when he was in your life. You rushed into the relationship even though you knew he wasn't sure about you the way you were sure about him. You moved in with him as soon as you graduated college even though you knew he hadn't changed a bit. You kept hoping for something that wasn't going to happen.

I'm not trying to be that guy but bro, come on. You know what love is. You know what it's supposed to feel like. You've been in a relationship before him and you've been in ones after him. You know how you should be treated and each one of them treated you better than he ever did."

"They weren't all bad days." Chris defends.

"The bad days shouldn't overshadow the good ones and that's how it was with you too. You know this."

"He's changed." Eric says. "I know he has."

"You assume he has. He is yet to prove his point."

"And shouldn't we let him?"

"At what cost? Are we willing to risk the heart and sanity of our friend at the mere possibility that he might act right?"

"That's my decision to make isn't it?"

"You're willing to risk everything you've worked so hard for in the off chance that he will do right by you?"

"Why would I not do right by him?" I cut in, tired of staying hidden as my relationship was literally hanging in the balance.

"You had 4 years to do right by him!" Trent snapped and I had to take a deep breath as I tried not to punch him in the face.

"I was immature and stupid and confused-"

"He confused you? And yet we must let him back with this fucktard?" He yells as he turns to the others.

"He confused me before. I'm sure of what I want now. And I want him. I never ever want to let him go again."

"Oh really? Wow! Good on you for finally realizing that."

"Trent, that's enough!" Alexis says. "This conversation isn't even for us to have. It's between them."

"None of you aren't thinking straight."

"I know what I want." Chris states firmly before coming to stand near me.

I immediately wrap my hand around his waist as I pulled him closer to me. Hell bent on keeping my promise of never letting him go. He look up to me and I want to melt right there at his gaze.

"You guys are fucking insane. You know what. I said my peace. Do whatever you want but when shit hits the fan, don't say I didn't try to warn you."

He begins to storm off and I withheld my eye roll as I was happy he was finally leaving. I just wanted a moment to pull Chris into my arms as I reassure him that I wasn't going to be the guy I was in the past. Even if I had to spend every day for the rest of my life proving that, I was fully prepared to do so.

"Bro, just chill." Derek says, holding his arm as he prevents him from walking away angry.

"Don't fucking touch me." He sneers as he shoves his hand away before taking a step closer to my best bro.

On instinct I move forward and without thinking, shove him a step backwards.

"Damon, yo, relax." Eric says calmly a he pulls me towards him just as Chris steps towards Trent as he too tries to keep him from coming towards me.

"Yeah, I really hope you're paying attention man."

"Man fuck you." I spat, completely over him and what he had to say.

"What's going on here?"

I turned to see a group of our friends coming over and Danny is on alert, although a bit wasted, with Jon just behind him.

"You okay?" Danny continues as he comes closer.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. We were just talking."

"Trent." Chris calls as he storms off.

I go to stop Chris from going after him but he just tells me to wait as he continues to walk away. Not wanting his friend to say more terrible things about me I go to follow him but is once again stopped by Eric.

"Maybe you should just let him deal with this."


That's all I say before walking off and I vaguely hear Jon asked what happened before I headed to the front where all the rides were parked.

"I don't get why you're so mad at me."

"Of course you wouldn't."

"Why can't you just be happy for me?"

"How can I? How can you not see how bad a decision this is?"

"I don't... I think he's changed... can't I believe that?"

"Look, I said my peace. If that's what you want, then that's what you want."

"So you're just gonna walk away? You're just gonna stop being my friend because of this?"

"I'll always be your friend but I can't stick around and watch you go through hell again. You mean too much to me."

"I'm not the clueless teenager I once was. I'm not gonna allow myself to go through that again. Can't you just trust me on this?"



Trent sighs before slightly nodding and Chris bumps shoulders with him.

"Come back inside and try to have fun."

"I can't. I'm just gonna head home."

"Oh come on. You said you'll try."

He pouts and I feel my heart quicken with jealousy as Trent blushes before poking him in his cheeks.

"I know but I really just wanna head home."

"It's so late though." Chris continues to whine. "Just stay the night then you can leave first thing in the morning."

Trent sighs once more but reluctantly follows him before they both stop as they take notice of me.

"Damon." Chris says surprised but I never take my eyes off Trent, our eyes both cold.

"I'll be inside." He says to Chris before brushing past me.

I slightly step back at the hit of his shoulder against mine and was about to start a fight but stopped as I felt Chris link his fingers with mine.

Loving Chris (TTSPG Book3)Where stories live. Discover now