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I got a pretty bad scare at home and I'm shaken up about it.

I'm back to being depressed and so the next few chapters might be really fucking depressing.

I apologize in advance.


Chapter 12

By the time my heavy eyelids pushed themselves open, I was spread out on the floor by the couch and drooling. Yawning loudly, I pushed myself into a sitting position and stretched. My phone showed me it was after ten and I pressed my palms against my eyes as I groaned.

I was late for work.

The house was empty and I vaguely wondered if Danny tried to wake me. I barely remembered what happened last night but because I knew my body needed more sleep, I didn't argue.

There was a mug of coffee and a few sandwiches wating on me in the kitchen and I smiled as Dan left me a small note saying that he was at work at to lock up on my way out.

Scrunching the note, I ate before doing just that and headed home. I didn't call in sick until very close to lunch and by that time my boss already knew and wished me a speedy recovery. He even told me to take a few days if I needed to and that he would assign my work to some poor soul until I got back.

By half past noon I felt like I would die from starvation but knew my fridge only had raw ingredients and I was too lazy to make food because of how hungry I felt.

The knocking on my front door had me groaning loudly but even though I was stretched out on the couch, I refused to move. When the knocking continued, I turned my face from its pressed up position on the couch cushion to yell that it was open.

"Hey." Stace says cautiously as she slowly enters and closes the door behind her.

"Hey." I mutter out but make no move to get up.

"I heard you're still sick." She puts a bag on the coffee table and I raise an eyebrow as I watch her. "I decided to finish up my work earlier and leave. No one really missed me cause no one ever checks up on me... I brought food."

Before she could open the bag, I was beating her to the punch and I groaned loudly as my stomach growled for the delicious smelling food.

"I love you." I mutter out before opening the Chinese food and taking a deep breath.

"You'd better." She laughs as she watches me.

It smelled heavenly and as I placed spoonful after spoonful of food into my mouth it tasted even better than it smelt.

"You still nautious or anything?" Stacy asks and I shake my head.

"Just tired. Really tired. Haven't been sleeping so good lately."

"Well, you do need to stop working so hard. I mean, yea the work isn't that demanding but it's still a bit stressful."

"Its not that."

"Well whatever it is, is still causing you to be stressed and therefore you need to relax and not overdo the damn do."

"Yes mom."

"You think I'm joking?"

"You heading back to work?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Nope. I'm your headache for the next few hours."

"Ugh." I fake groaned as I leaned back on my chair.

Coming closer to me, she rests her head on my shoulder before we fall into a comfortable silence.

Loving Chris (TTSPG Book3)Where stories live. Discover now