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I made that promise about a week ago and as I sat outside his empty house, I couldn't help but miss him.

The sky had a dark grey colour that seemed to stretch on forever and I ignored the strong winds and cold breeze as I stared out my car window. I hated not being able to see him and the worse part about not having his phone number after we broke up, was not knowing where he was or what he did whenever he would disappear.

I knew he had his farm back home where his mom lived and even though it apparently expanded and he had more workers, he still visited every few months.

At least I hope that was where he was since I haven't seen him in days and neither have the twins. I close my eyes as I imagined where he was and what he was doing. I wanted to be near him. To feel him in my arms again if only so that I knew his heart beat with the same ferocity when we were so close to each other.

When the air got too chilly as the skies littered with tiny stars, I gave in and turned the windows up. Turning the heat to full as I let the car run, the slight hum of music coming from the turned down radio was enough to put me to sleep.

I awoke around 8 as I heard the faint laughter of a boy I could never seem to forget from my thoughts. Without having to open my eyes I knew it was him and a smile graced my lips as I welcomed the loud, carefree sound.

What I did not welcome was the second laugh that I heard. Opening my eyes in a flash, they landed on Chris as he quickly opened his front door before he closed it behind a slim guy dressed from head to toe in grey and who had his face covered by his pulled down hood.

No, no, no.

I murmured, willing my heart to stop its erratic beating as my mind came up with unwanted reasons as to why Chris brought a guy home. Someone other than the twins or Trent who hardly ever visited, yet alone on their own. This was the first time I ever saw another guy enter the house, knowing that in the past, they would never get as far as the gate.

Please tell me he isn't a date.

I murmured again as I sat up in my seat and gripped the wheel. I knew we weren't together again but somehow I thought the kiss meant he was finally willing to give us another shot.

Was I wrong?

Had I misjudged the entire situation?

The not knowing was badly affecting me and I felt like my skin was crawling as I tried to ease my chaotic mind. Pulling my phone from the dashboard, I decided to risk it as I called Danny to try and get Chris' number.

It was the one thing he was adamant about not giving me and right now I hated the loyalty they had given to someone else instead of me. Me who had grown up with them.

"Sup bro?" He answers after the second ring.

"I need Chris' number."

"What for?"

"I need to speak to him."

"Hmm, he should be back at the house already. I spoke to him a few hours ago and-"

"I asked you if you knew where he was."

"I didn't know where he was because I never ask but we do talk bro."

"I need his number." I asked again, trying not to get annoyed.

The unknown guy was sitting lazily on one of the couches in the living room, drinking a beer and talking to Chris as he stood by the window looking up at the sky.

I would have given anything to know what they were talking about and as I watched on in anguished silence, I got more agitated as Danny carried on with reasons why he couldn't give it to me.

"I am your friend!"

"He asked me not to give it to you man-"

"We are on speaking terms now."

"Then why didn't he give it to you?"

"Because it didn't come up. We had too much on our minds... fuck Danny just give me the damn number..."

I sighed as I couldn't do anything about the situation happening inside the house. "Please." I pleaded softly. "I just... I just need to hear his voice."

Danny goes silent for a long time and I think he had hung up on me before I heard him finally cave, breathing hard and sighing loudly on the other end.

"Okay fine but if he yells at me imma kick your ass."

I nodded even though I knew he couldn't see me before saying yes. Hanging up quickly, I dialed the number he gave and anxiously counted the seconds before the call went through.

I noticed when Chris looked over at his phone which was somewhere in the house and I silently wished he would go over to it before it shut off. My wishes went unanswered as the strange guy headed over to Chris and handed him what I could only assume to be the now silent phone.

Chris takes it but doesn't smile and instead of looking at it to see who had called, he slips the phone in his pocket and presses his forehead on the shoulder of the guy. I could feel my heart tightening and as I gripped the steering wheel I tried to convince myself that getting out the car and storming over there was never a good idea.

I wanted to know who the fuck the guy was and as I didn't recognize his face I knew he wasn't one of Chris' two exes after me. Was this the new guy he was supposedly dating?

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding as Chris pulled away but took another sharp one as the boy stepped closer, much closer as he lifted Chris' chin and said something to him. I felt my skin starting to boil as he didn't pull away and just looked at the guy as he spoke.

My hands pained from gripping the wheel so much and for the first time this year, I wanted to hit something or someone. Chris finally decides to pull out of the guy's grasp and head further into the house before being followed and I knew I would burst from angry jealously if he let him spend the night.

I couldn't withstand the thought of Chris being touched by any other person than me and even though I had to get used to the fact, I couldn't stop the intense pain that seared through me and held me captive.

I exhaled and braced my head on the steering as the front door opened and they both walked out. Closing my eyes for a moment, I tried not to overreact, even more so I tried not to get out of my car and draw his attention towards me.

Even though my spot was nice and bland, being surrounded by small trucks and cars, the semi abandoned mechanic's shop never drew the attention of the people in the area because every so often vehicles would be dumped or removed from here and most looked new.

The guy pulls Chris in for a hug and I looked on as it felt like hours passed instead of the ten seconds. Chris waves good bye as his guest pulls off in his expensive looking car and my fight to stay in the car was getting harder by the minute.

He renters the house and locks his door but even after waiting a good while, seeing the lights flicker off and watching the black skies releasing its water onto the city, I never got a call back from him.

I wanted to call again but not knowing if he was asleep or not, I decided to head home and get as much sleep as my brain would allow.

With a tight chest and a frown on my features, I drove home. The only thoughts that circled my mind was those of Chris as he laid his head on another person. Or being close or even hugging that same person but worse of all...

My mind swirled with the question of whether I hoped too quickly that things were finally getting back to normal.

Loving Chris (TTSPG Book3)Where stories live. Discover now