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His lips immediately part to accommodate my tongue and I could faintly taste the coffee he drank mixed with the slight morning taste his mouth had.

That didn't stop me though.

My mouth must have been the same but the need that poured from one to the other was enough to forget about every unnatural thing.

Our names flowed from our mouths like the Nile river and I felt like my clothing were the only thing separating us from being skin close. Chris seemed to feel the same as he pushes my Jersey off and I reluctantly broke the kiss as I aided him.

His eyes are a dark shade and I smirked as he fumbles with my pants. It takes us seconds to get me as naked as he was and nothing could deny what we both felt.

Before I could observe us Chris is once more kissing me and I had to swallow my chuckles at his impatience. My eyes instantly slammed shut as he presses his lower half to mine and the smooth rubbing of flesh had my hands pressing against his side as I tried to calm myself.

In the beat of a drum I had him pressed against the nearest, vacant wall and his eyes momentarily fluttered opened at the feel of the cold tiles. I smile at him before dropping to my knees and just as the top of my tongue slides along the top of his penis, he pushes me away.

I immediately stand as his cheeks flared up and he's pushing away from me.

"Shit, sorry. I really need to pee." He says and I brace the wall as I watch him, my cock hard.

I now wanted to pee as I watched him struggle to find a way of not messing up the entire bathroom and so I just pulled him into the shower and under the spray of the hot water.

"You are just like him." He says absentmindedly, closing his eyes and releasing.

I stared at him, trying my damndest not to get heated that he just mentioned another dude and instead released my fluids. I watched as it quickly mixed with the water and disappeared down the drain before I grabbed my soap and started to wash up.

Chris encircles my waist as I tried to ignore him and he grabs my still hard cock as he kisses my back.

"Don't soap up now. Let's finish what we started." He says softly as he planted light kisses to the part of my back where his head stopped.

"We're gonna be late if we don't hurry." I tried to make my voice sound monotone but the many years of us spending a lot of time together made him stiffen before releasing me.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong." I spoke softer yet couldn't turn to face him.

I could feel him standing quietly behind me as I lathered up before I stopped and turned to face him. He was staring at me and I sighed before putting the soap down.

"You said that I was just like him."


"When I pulled you in here, you said I'm just like him."

I watched him as he tilted his head to the side as he stared at me confused before his eyes widened and his cheeks once more turned pink.

"Shit." He murmured.


I stepped under the spray of the water and start to wash off myself, completely comfortable after the many times of us showering together before Chris once more hugs me from behind.

"I'm sorry."

"Who was he?"

"It was years ago."

Loving Chris (TTSPG Book3)Where stories live. Discover now