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"I love you." I say as I stare up at the ceiling panting hard.

"Mmm." I heard Chris moan as he's slowly drifting off to sleep.

I kiss the side of his mouth as the last of his consciousness leaves him before I pulled him closer. We both needed a shower, only having taken one about 2 hours ago but I knew we were both drained. Him more than I.

I doubted whether either of us were going to work tomorrow since it was almost ten in the morning and we were too tired to do anything for the remainder of the day. I stared at my beautiful man as he snored near me and smiled, content.


The ringing of my phone had me slowly coming from my deep sleep and I hurriedly answered.


"I'm outside. Come open."

"I'm not home."

"I know jackass. I'm at Chris'."

I sighed as he hung up and saw that it was after four. Looking over I saw a lump buried beneath the sheets at the far end of the bed and hoped it was Chris as I saw the ends of hair sticking out from the only opening.

Heading out, I pulled the door open and squinted at the sun. Eric pushes his way past me, Danny right behind him.

"Come on in guys." I grumbled before closing the door.

"Here." They hand me a box of pizza and I take it as we all head to the kitchen.

"Thanks. I'll give some to Chris when he wakes up."

They exchange glances before Danny sits on the counter and Eric sits on the chair.

"Glad to see you guys made up." Eric says.


"You guys left pretty upset up at the cabin. We heard you arguing in the distance but decided to let you work it out. By the time we got back to the cabin Chris had left a note and you guys were gone." Danny states.

"By the time we got here and tried calling you guys, no answer. I went to your house and your car wasn't there so I got Derek to come here with me. We checked in around noon but no answer from either of you and we chalked it up to you sleeping so we came back now."

Eric nods to back up his twin's story and I sigh as I put down the slice I was currently eating. "Yeah... we made up. I think."

"You think?" They both asked.

"He's still leaving but says he can travel back and forth."

"Okay? What's the problem?" Danny asks.

"The problem is that I want to be with him every night not every other month." I sighed as I drank the beer I found in the fridge. "Does that make me selfish? I mean, I know he moved on with his life and I'm the one here tryna unravel what he created after me but my life stuck at where he left me. Kinda hoped it was the same for him cause I'd do anything to keep him."

"I understand what you mean. I wouldn't know what to do if Bri wanted to move."

"Yeah. Jon travels a lot for work and to see his sister and boy do I miss him like crazy."

"So I'm not being selfish?"

"You are but we understand." Eric says. He turns to his twin. "How the whole sister thing coming along?"

"The paperwork is moving slowly to have her come live with us. She's still so little so you know. Fingers crossed I guess."


Loving Chris (TTSPG Book3)Where stories live. Discover now