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If I could pay to know his thoughts in this moment, I'd go broke in trying to hear them.

I sat beside him in the taxi as we headed to the club to get my car and a quick look at my wristwatch told me it was half past twelve. We had less than half hour to get to the hospital with enough time for Chris to see his friend and I glance over at him to see he was staring at his phone.

I felt guilty for just walking out on him but I was too embarrassed to talk about my two year celibacy life. Sighing, I slipped my phone out and responded to the text from Stace that says how she missed me. It was another Friday and I stared out the window as I noted another week that quickly flew by.


I paid the driver before waiting on Chris and we both silently headed to my car. That same silence followed us all the way to the hospital and I gave him the space he needed as he only had less than 15 minutes to see his friend.

"Took you weirdos long enough." Alexis jeered as Chris hugged her.

There were two police officers standing to the side and as Alexis embraced Chris, they came over to us.

"Hey, sorry. We am-" I started but she raised her hand to stop me.

"Don't wanna know."

"It's not what you're thinking."


I shook my head as there was no convincing her and headed over to the waiting area as the cops asked to walk with Chris on his way to his friend's room. I wanted to go with him just in case he needed support but he still seemed to want his space so I let him go alone.

The hospital was still too packed for my liking but as Alexis rested her head on my shoulder as we sat down, I didn't feel as panicked as I normally did.

"Do you still hate me?" I asked as the seconds ticked by.

"Nah, takes too much energy."

I chuckled as I too rested my head against hers. "I missed you."

"You just missed my cooking. It wasn't that deep."

"I'm serious. I missed just hanging with you and Chris. You're like the sister I always wanted. You just get me."

"That's cause I'm a woman. We're the men whisperer."

I chuckled before closing my eyes and tuning out the noise of the hospital.

"Are you guys back together?"



"Its never a good idea to rush anything."

"But it's not rushing if you've already been down this road."

"I don't wanna make the same mistakes. I don't wanna lose him. Not again."

"You're different this time."

"I know but I wanna make sure I do it right. I wanna make sure that we're both ready to commit before I take that step with him."

"What if he's not ready?" She asks suddenly and I tried not to think too much on it.

"Did he say something?"

"No, I'm just... you know. What if you're too late and he's already too hurt?"

"I... I don't know." I responded honestly.

"What if he just missed the physical aspect but doesn't want the emotional because he is too afraid to get hurt again?"

"Then I guess I'd move on." I lied.

Loving Chris (TTSPG Book3)Where stories live. Discover now