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"Jeez did you get any sleep the past few days?" Stacy asks as she waltz into my office.

I smiled a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes as she takes up a position next to me on the desk.

"Why do you do this?"

"Do what?"

"Why do you sit in this same position every day at this time and stare at the sunset?"

"I love nature, it calms me."

"Who was she?"

"Huh?" I looked to the side of me and stared, puzzled at her question.

"The girl that broke your heart."

Chuckling, I pushed my hands in my pants pockets as I stared at the fast setting sun.

"He was the love of my life and I ruined it... I ruined us."

"You're gay?!"

I looked over at her once more and she has a peculiar look on her face. "Huh, never would have guessed."

"He was the only guy."

"Love does that to us." She braces her head on my shoulder. "Takes us to places we'd never go on our own."

"And what do we do when we've lost it?"

"Pray it finds us again."

She smiles at me and I smile back.

"Come on. Its Friday again and I'd really like it if you came clubbing with me."

"I can't, I-"

"Please! All my friends are busy today and I really don't wanna spend the night at home. I promise it'll be fun. Please?!"

She pouts and I chuckle at her impression of a cute face.

"Fine. I'll go out with you but no alcohol, okay?"


Pulling me towards the exit, I barely had time to pull in my door before she was ushering me to my car. Within minutes we were pulling up to a half crowded club and I shook my head as she danced me towards the bar.

"Stace." I warned.

"Its not for you silly."

We both grabbed a seat at the bar and I shook my head as Stacy leans over and shouts her exotic drink's name.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asks, leaning over and smiling at me.

"Ah, can I get a water please?"

"Oh come on! Just because you don't drink doesn't mean you can't get a juice or something." Stacy scolds and I shake my head at her.

"Just a water please." I say to the bartender and he chuckles at my resolve.

"One water." He plops the bottle down on the counter in front of me and I smiled a genuine smile as he smirks at me.

He was cute.

About a few inches shorter than I was, on the skinny side and with a sun kissed complexion. I smirked as he walks over to another half drunk customer before I felt Stace nudge me.

"He's cute right?" She shouts and both myself and the bartender make eye contact with each other.

"Sure." I say, still watching him and he smiles in return before walking further away from my view.

"Are you gonna talk to him?" She continues to urge and I stare at her with my eyebrows raised.

"I thought we were just here so you can party."

Loving Chris (TTSPG Book3)Where stories live. Discover now