Grayd pulled his hood, making sure it covers his face enough to prevent anyone from recognizing him as he tightens his grip on the baby and speeds up across the dark alley of the hospital. He turned around to see if anyone was following him, his eyes moving sharp to each and every corner possible, alert. He reached for his van keys in his left pocket and in seconds, the van speeds in the highways, making his way to the Lude's Territory.
He parked his rusty van at a very end and dark lot behind a shop lot where the shops were very much closed at the time of 3am. He took the baby in his hands and walked up to a house not far from where he had parked, careful not to be spotted by his men or the residents or any drug addicts. He knocked on back door four times, his feet tapping the wooden floor as he waited to be answered at the door. The door cracked open a little, a pair of eyes peeping a little through. The door opened wide as soon as Grayd pulled off his hood, revealing that its him.
The person quickly pulled Grayd in, checking out to see if anyone was watching before closing the doors. He turned around to see Grayd standing with his one arm wrapping a well-wrapped baby and another hand in his pocket, looking annoyed as ever. He quickly extended his arms to carry the baby, only to be stopped by Grayd when he pulled his hand out of the pocket, straight right in front of his face.
"Money first, then the baby" Grayd said, demanding with full authority in his voice.
"Please Grayd, not in this issue, please" The person pleaded.
"Do I look like a joke to you? I said, money first, then the baby"
"But I'm your brother?"
"Brother or not, business is business, Morrius" Grayd raised his voice a little, his free hand holding the collar of Morrius' shirt. Grayd was ready to punch the guy in front of him. "We had a deal, brother" his eyes sharpen.
Morrius sighed. He had no other choice, he had to obey his brother cuz' he knows he isn't gonna get through it. He raised both hands up in surrender as Grayd slowly releases his grip. Morrius reached for a bundle of cash from his pockets and handed it over to Grayd who was already smiling at the sight of all that money. Grayd examined the money handed to him and frowned a few seconds later, his smile slightly fading.
"This isn't the amount we agreed on. Where's more?" Grayd demanded
"Alright, alright." Morrius rolled his eyes.
He grabbed another stack of cash from the altar nearby and placed on the table next to Grayd. "50 thousand dollars, as promised"
"No returns, got it?"
Morrius looked down.
Grayd looked satisfied as he glanced at the stack of cash. He nodded and handed over the baby to Morrius. Morrius glanced at the baby, his arms slowly rocking the baby. "It's a girl, right?"
"As agreed" Grayd answered, busy eyeing his pile of cash.
"Where did you get her from?"
"None of your business"
"I demand"
"Another state"
"There won't be any problems right?"
Morrius nodded, trusting his brother. He looked at the baby, a slight hatred visible deep down his heart. He had no other choice but to abduct her.
"Is Molly doing good?" Grayd asked
"Pretty much. Still can't accept that the child is dead. Doctors are still checking on her"
Grayd nodded.
Just then, the whole house was filled with a loud noise. A squeaky yet adorable voice of a baby crying was heard, leaving the two brothers flabbergasted. It wasn't the baby in Morrius' hands crying, it came from the room where Molly was, along with the doctors. Morrius rushed in to the room, shocked to find the doctors holding something which was lifeless just a few seconds ago, crying right now, with an unconscious Molly lying on the bed. He looked at the doctor, demanding an explanation.
" It's a miracle, Mr Lude. Never in my career have a dead baby came to live. Your baby is alive Mr Lude. She isn't dead!" the doctor exclaimed.
"But, she was dead a few minutes ago?" Morrius barely formed words.
"Yes, Mr Lude. She wasn't breathing nor was her heart beating. It rarely happens as such Mr Lude, you are truly gifted Mr Lude, congratulations!" the doctor said, placing the baby in his arms into a cradle beside the bed.
Morrius looked down at the baby in his arms, his eyes filled with hatred towards the baby in his arms.
"No returns accepted, Morrius" Grayd's voice emerged from the back.
Morrius placed the baby beside Molly, his fingers slowly trailing to the blade kit placed beside the bed, grabbing a sharp blade. His eyes, red as hell, looked down at the baby beside Molly. His fists clenching tight to the blade, his eyes not taking off the baby.
"Mr Lude, what are you doing?"
Morrius couldn't care less about those blood splashes on his face.
Author's Note:
Halluu Hoomans! How'd ya like the prologue?
This is my first ever creation in years and my first ever fan-based story of WWE wrestlers. Do drop your comments below and vote for my book if you like it. Your reviews will certainly mean a lot to me, either good or bad.
And its also my first story with actually a more matured language HAHAHAHAHAHAAH XD....
It's my first try, hope you like it.
(Word count: 914 words)
Signing out,

Ayla [A WWE Multiverse]
Roman pour AdolescentsAyla, a little girl was helped to fend off a few kidnappers by a few wrestlers whom she had no idea who they were. They saw the talent in her and helped her to become a wrestler. How was Ayla going to succeed in a career that she has not even the sl...