Chapter 10

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Hunter motioned for Kev, Taker, Kane and Rikishi to sit down. Kev was already seated in front of Hunter, Taker sat beside Kev and Kane and Rikishi sat on the couch across the room. Hunter cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry for what I did to her. It wasn't intentional" Hunter apologized again, he truly felt guilty. Although deep in his heart, he knows that she was a fraud. 

"You better be" Taker muttered.

Kev patted on Taker's shoulder. "Take it easy big boy". Taker glared his eyes to that. Kev turned back to Hunter " It's okay Hunter. I know it wasn't intentional. She just got knocked out and she really got hurt bad when she powerslammed a guy in the fight" Kev explained.

Hunter snorted. "Yeah right, I bet she Irish Whipped a guy to a steel post too, right?" He said sarcastically.

Rikishi's eyes widen. "How did you know?" Rikishi asked without knowing the sarcasm. I mean she technically did an Irish Whip, but how did Hunter know?

"He's being sarcastic, Rikishi" Taker said, shaking his head. Rikishi's mouth formed an 'O', understanding it.

Hunter laughed. "Oh come on Rikishi, stop fooling me around. Enough of this jokes, alright?" He shuffled his papers on his desk.

"But we aren't-" Kev didn't finish his line before Hunter cuts him off.

"That's enough, Kev, I don't wanna listen to any of this crap anymore. Now let's talk business, now shall we?" Hunter said in a stern voice.

Kev and Taker shared a look and shook their head at Hunter's stubbornness.

Hunter cleared his throat.

"Alright, so no matter what the "reason" was, you guys have violated a rule in the contract. And I'm sure you guys know that you guys have to be punished." He paused and when no one responded, he continued.

"And you guys have to do a public apology video or live conference or whatever way that you prefer." He said, crossing his fingers on top of the table.

"Just get to the point, Hunter" Taker was getting impatient.

"You guys will have to stay out of RAW and Smackdown this two weeks" Hunter shoots.

Kev and Taker groaned while Rikishi and Kane just sighed quietly. Kane was the calmest among all of them. Probably already expected it.

"Oh c'mon Hunter, we were just trying to help that Kid" Kev tried to reason him again.

Hunter shot a glance at Kev, a serious one. He still wasn't taking him in. " You're gonna have to try harder than that, Kev"

Kev was fed up. He forcefully got up his chair and went to the other side of the table, hovered Hunter, making Hunter pushed firm back on his chair. He held out a finger on to Hunter's chest.

"Listen up Hunter, I've had enough of your stubbornness. It's. the. truth! Do you understand me? Truth! That's what it is" Kev said, his eyes looking at Hunter dead in the eye. He took a deep breath before continuing.

Clearly Hunter wasn't the one being in authority anymore. These four men in front of him have over powered him.

"One more time you show us your dumb ass side of yours, I swear you'd be eating crap for the rest of your life" Kev said, looking at Hunter dead in the eye. The smaller of the two gulped as Kev's voice was enough to send chills down Hunter's spine.

"Okay okay. Jeez, Kev. Relax, you've threaten me enough for the day" Hunter pushed Kev back as Kev walked back to his seat across the table. He took a deep breath as Taker patted his shoulders.

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