"Please, don't! Stop, please!"
"You don't tell me to stop, bitch. How dare you?" A rough voice booming the hallway. And with that, Morrius begin to slap the poor kid harder. He punched her jaw, making her scream as she felt her teeth crack. He kicked her at her stomach, making her clutch her stomach as she kneeled against the wall, blood flowing from her mouth, either from internal injury or from her teeth that just broke, she had no idea. She coughed as more blood flow from her mouth with every beating that cruel monster was giving her. She slowly lowered her body until her shoulder was touching the marble tiled floor, weak and in pain.
"No one tells me what to do. I will do whatever the hell I want to you and no one will question me, you good for nothing slut" His nerves popping on his neck.
Morrius begin stepping and kicking on her back, still not able to get over with his anger. She was unable to scream or let a sound anymore, almost feeling as if the world was slowly getting dark. She felt a wet drop on her cheek as Morrius spat on her, giving on final kick on her stomach, before lunging down near her and pulled her hair back, harsh, until a part of her head banged the wall behind her.
"Listen to me. You will go out and sell everything or you will get more of what you deserve, you understand you ungrateful bitch? You are nothing but a good for nothing burden and a disgrace" He pushed her head forcefully until her head bounced on the tiled floor before leaving her half-alive on the floor and storming out of the mansion.
She sighed in relief as he went out of sight. She curled her body up, her knees was brought to her chest with one of her shoulders pressed against the floor covered with her blood. Her arms wrapped around her knees. She felt hot liquid flowing continuously from her mouth with each coughed.
"At least it wasn't as bad as last week" She thought to herself. Her bloody hands, caressing her knees which were covered with torn jeans, a hole exposing the bruise she had under her knee from last week's beatings.
This wasn't new to her. She had got this a few times a month ever since she turned 10 and begin to sell the drugs which she was forced to do so. The bruises were still purple or her knees and she winced as her fingers gently ran over them. She weakly placed a hand on the floor, slowly trying to elevate herself to help stand. Her shoulders barely left the floor when her back snapped and she fell back hard on the floor. "Great, now I've injured my shoulder too" she murmured as she made another attempt to stand. This time she was able to sit up though not in a correct posture, at least better than nothing. She paused before making an attempt to stand. Her wobbly knees weren't just cooperating with her.
"Ayla, oh dear" She heard a squeal from the only person she loved and cared the most as the person ran towards her and kneeled beside her.
"Oh god, I shouldn't have left you alone, I'm so sorry, Ayla"
"I'm okay, Hayley, really. Not as worse as last weeks 'gifts'" She tried to crack a joke and chuckle, though miserably regrets when her stomach hurt like hell. She coughed more, causing blood to flow more.
"Hey, just shut up and let me help you, okay?" Hayley said as she carefully wrapped her arms around Ayla's waist, putting one of Ayla's arm around her shoulder and hoisted her up slowly and escort her to her room. One of her arm holding below Ayla's chin as her blood flows from all over her face.
She helped her sit on her anytime-will-collapse bed with a barely-even useful mattress carefully before rushing to the bathroom and grabbing a few towels that were once white but now red as it was always covered in blood from time to time and settled beside Ayla. She gently wiped the blood all over Ayla's face, Ayla wincing as the rough and wet towel touched her bloody face.
"How many did you sell today?" Hayley broke the silence.
"20" Ayla said short.
"Why? Didn't find enough people to sell it?"
Hayley frowned. "No?"
"Aleister and his friends came. I told them I don't have any."
"But you only sold 20? Where are the other 30?"
"I hid them"
"Why would you do such thing? You've got yourself almost killed, Ayla. Just why? You could have sold those 30 packs of drugs to them and you wouldn't have got yourself beaten up like this. Just....why?" Hayley was fuming. Not because she didn't achieve her target, but because of her action, she almost got herself killed by her dad, Morrius.
"I don't like selling drugs, Hayley. You know that" Ayla looked directly into her eyes, wincing a little at the sting she felt as Hailey was wiping her lips with some medicine.
"I know, Ayla. But still, why do you want to get yourself beaten up just to not let those boys buy drugs? They themselves don't care about their wellbeing and wants to take drugs and live a shitty life, why do you care about them?" Hayley asked disappointed. Sometimes she doesn't understand Ayla. She knows Ayla hates selling drugs, but does she have a choice? There was nothing they could ever do about it.
"At least I could change those boys up. When there's no drug supply, they won't have a choice but to give up as they are all still underage. They are still young and they deserve a better life without drugs, Hayley" Ayla told.
"You do realize that they can go buy drugs from other agents right?" Hayley pointed out her point, making Ayla realize that she wasn't the only drug agent in this valley. Ayla kept quite, thinking of what a stupid move she had made. She'd wasted her energy. She looked out of the window, regretting her life as she always did ever since she was born.
Hey guys! This is the first ever chapter. Just a glimpse of how bad Ayla's life is, before I actually go into the real story. Hope you like it. Do drop your comments and don't forget to vote. Thank you
Signing out,

Ayla [A WWE Multiverse]
Novela JuvenilAyla, a little girl was helped to fend off a few kidnappers by a few wrestlers whom she had no idea who they were. They saw the talent in her and helped her to become a wrestler. How was Ayla going to succeed in a career that she has not even the sl...