Chapter 42

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Ayla had to push her head up at the maximum level to look at the top of the building. The WWE headquarters was freaking huge!

Hunter smiled as he watched Ayla who was mesmerized by the tall building, like a two year old girl who just tasted a lollipop for the first time. He led them into the building, people greeting him occasionally along the way. They both went into the elevator and went straight to the top floor where his office is. 

The two walked towards Hunter's office which was located at the corner of the building. The office was really classy with a huge tinted glassed wall on two sides and grey concrete walls on the other two, filled with photographs of Hunter and other promotional posters. His desk was the same color of the wall and was larger than a usual desk, only a laptop placed on the middle of the desk and a mini photo frame. 

Ayla picked up the photo frame. It was a photo of Hunter and Stephanie in the same attire as the one back at their house, with Shawn, Taker, Kane, Kev, Scott, Kid, Jesse Billy and Chyna in the frame.

She smiled as she ran a hand over the photograph. Oh how much she missed all of them. Especially Kev. She hadn't seen him in years.

Hunter sat on his luxurious work chair at his desk and motioned for Ayla to sit across the desk. Ayla folded her arms and rested them on the desk as she leaned forwards.

"So, what do we do?" Ayla asked.

"We work" Hunter said simply, not looking at her and pulling out a few files from his suitcase.

Ayla lifted an eyebrow. "Well, technically, you. What do I do?"

"You watch me work" He said, going through his files.

"Seriously? I came all the way just to watch you work?" Ayla said as she stared at him in disbelief.

Hunter chuckled. "Seems like it"

Ayla rolled her eyes as she placed her chin on her arms which rested flat on the desk. She stared right into him. If her eyes had lasers, there's be a huge hole on Hunter's head by now.

She continued to stare at him, counting how many wrinkles he had on his forehead. His wrinkles were really deep though. But they went perfectly with his fearsome eyes. Hunter always had those wrinkles ever since he was young so it didn't really expose his age much. Only those wrinkles on his cheeks that exposed a little much that he was old. They weren't really that visible either since most of it was covered with his thick badass beard.

"Quit staring like that" Hunter said after some time as he chuckled, uncomfortable when a pair of eyes kept staring at him like that.

"You told me to watch you working and I'm doing just that" Ayla shrugged.

"Gosh, kid. You don't have to stare at me like that" Hunter shook his head as he continued to go through his files.

The office door opened to reveal a beautiful blonde woman in her late 20s in a typical corporate attire. Her heels clucked as she made her way towards Hunter. What is it with WWE and blondes, like seriously? Ayla's hardly seen any other hair color than blondes. She could count how many non-blondes are there in the company.

"Good morning, Mr Helmsley" She greeted.

"Good morning, Lydia. What do I have today?" Hunter asked.

"Well, you don't have any meetings this morning. However, you do have a board meeting at noon. Mr. McMahon insisted that you must attend" Lydia read out of her schedule. "And you need to sign on the approval letters in signing new divas next year"

"Alright. Just leave those letters on my desk later. I'll sign them after the meeting" Hunter instructed. "Anything else?" 

"No, that's it for today. Oh, and uh, Kevin Nash told me to inform you that he isn't gonna make it for a WrestleMania appearance this year."

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