Chapter 19

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"You okay there, little pumpkin?" Shawn asked after they reached the restaurant inside the zoo. It was beside a huge pond with a beautiful view.

She had been silent the whole walk. They saw a few other birds and reptiles at the zoo but it didn't excite her anymore. She remained hiding her face in Taker's neck. Taker finally set her down after they reached the restaurant since he needed to go to the restroom. He left Ayla with Shawn since Kane and Kev went with Taker and Stephanie and Hayley went to the girls restroom and Hunter went to order their food.

"I'm okay" Ayla barely formed her words, but managed somehow although her words were shaking. She didn't cry, not even a single tear came out, but she was more of like having a panic attack. She was scared to death.

"You wanna talk about it?" Shawn put an arm around her as they sat at a table, waiting for the others.

Ayla sighed, she didn't know if he would understand.

"You can tell me anything" Shawn reassured, looking at her silence.

Ayla nodded. "Promise not to tell anyone, alright?" 

Shawn raised his pinky to which Ayla entwined hers with his. She released her hand and lifted her shirt by the waist a little to reveal a wound. It looks like it was old but painful. Shawn ran his fingers on her wound which she was surprised by his sudden actions but let it be. 

"What happened?" He asked, looking deep in her eyes.

"I was abused when I was a child. Once, I didn't obey their orders and they threw me in a pond. A crab bit me there. It was Hayley who helped get the crab out of me. But it already did the damage" She gave a small smile as she told her story. She figured out that was enough information for the time being.

"Did they bring you to the hospital? Did you get any treatment?" Shawn asked concerned.

"Nope. We were just 8 year old kids. We didn't think the hospital was necessary back then. Hayley just applied some medicine for me. I took a long time to recover from the pain." She chuckled at the last, a pathetic one. She didn't want Shawn to think she was begging for sympathy.

"8 years old?" Shawn's eyes widen. Ayla nodded. Ayla wanted this conversation to be over. She didn't want to talk about it yet. Especially with Shawn who doesn't know about her past yet. All he knew is that she was an orphan and when her parents died and she has no where to go, and she was being harassed when Taker, Kane, Kev and Rikishi found her and Hayley. That was the version that Kev and Taker had told to Hunter and Stephanie as well and she would like to keep it that way for the time being. Only Kev, Taker and Kane knew the whole story, or the whole version of what Ayla only told, there are some things that she didn't tell anyone. Even Rikishi doesn't know that much, but he knew some of it.

To Ayla's relief, the rest of the group came, thus cutting off what Shawn was wanting to ask her. There were so much more he needed to ask. 

"Where's Hunter?" Stephanie came with Hayley and sat opposite Ayla and Shawn. Hayley sat beside Stephanie.

"Still at the counter" Shawn pointed at the counter.

Taker sat on the other side of Ayla and Kane sat beside Hayley, Kev beside Kane. 

"I think I'll go check on him" Kane stood up and went to the counter.

Just a moment later, Hunter and Kane came with trays of food in their hands to the table. 

"How much did you guys buy?" Stephanie shook her head.

"I have to feed 5 large stomachs, Steph. 2 girls and a devil in addition" Hunter said, pointing at Ayla at the end after setting the food tray on the table.

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