Chapter 45

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Shawn rang the doorbell as he looked around the area. 

The door swung open to reveal Ayla who greeted him with a huge smile.

"Shawneyy!!!!!!!!" Ayla squealed and jumped into his arms as he lifted her off the ground.

"Hey, kiddo. Long time no see huh?" Shawn ruffled her hair as they two made their way in.

"Uh huh. I've missed you" Ayla purred.

"Hey Shawn" Stephanie greeted.

"Hey Steph. Where's Hunter?" Shawn asked when he couldn't spot his best buddy anywhere.

Ayla and Stephanie looked at each other with wide smirks. "About that, uh, I need you to wait just here" Ayla said as she hurried upstairs.

Shawn looked clueless with what just happened. 

Ayla peeked open Hunter's door. She went in when she saw him in the outfit she's given him. She was trying her best to control her laugh.

"Do I really have to do this?" Hunter sighed. "This is stupid"

"Well, if you want me to forgive you, then yes" Ayla crossed her arms, trying her best not to laugh.

Hunter sighed. He had no choice. He slowly walked towards her. 

"Fine, I'll do it" He sighed.

Ayla smiled as she hooked her arm with his and led him downstairs. As Hunter descended the stairs, he felt heat crept to his cheeks with each step. He just wanted to go and change his outfit. This is embarrassing. 

"Shawn, I want you to meet my new friend Hunterbella" Ayla said.

Shawn turned around and he swore he threw up in his mouth a little bit. His eyes widen in shock as he stared at his best friend in disbelief. Hunter was wearing a tutu! 

"What the hell has happened to you?" Shawn stared at Hunter.

Hunter felt himself blush, something he NEVER does! Gosh he just wanna smack this girl beside him.

"Isn't she hot?" Ayla couldn't hold it anymore as she cackled hysterically and Stephanie also burst out laughing, high fiving Ayla along.

Shawn couldn't deny, he does look a little hot. He was shirtless and was wearing a huge sized tutu. He wonders where did they even get that especially for that size?

Shawn giggled a little, trying his best to control it but he failed mostly. 

"Yeah, yeah, very funny" Hunter placed his arms on his waist.

"Aww, Hunterbella is blushing. Isn't she adorable?" Ayla pinched Hunter's bearded cheeks, pulling them back and forward alternately. Hunter swatted her hands away as the group laughed even harder.

"Wow, Hunterbella. I should have married you instead, I guess" Stephanie teased, laughing along.

Hunter rolled his eyes.

"Woah look at those thighs. Are you wearing panties in there?" Shawn asked, trying to lift the tutu up, only to be swatted away.

"Fuck off, Shawn" Hunter shoved Shawn away.

"I gotta admit, Hunter, well, Hunterbella, you look kinda hot in that skirt. Too bad I didn't think of it back then" Shawn cracked out a dirty joke as he begin to wheeze. 

"Dance with me, Hunterbella" He grabbed Hunter by the waist and waltzed with him, teasing Hunter even more. He even made kissy kissy noises, making Hunter to shiver in disgust.

"Eww get off me, Shawn" Hunter shoved Shawn away and shook his head.

"Not very friendly, your friend" Shawn said to Ayla, making her shrug.

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