Chapter 36

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"Hey girls" Hunter said as he watched the girls enter his car through his ray bans. "You look good in my shirt" Hunter said, chuckling.

Hunter's shirt and jacket were really oversized, it went all the way to their knees.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Hunter" Ayla rolled her eyes.

Hunter chuckled as he sped off to the guest house.

As soon as they reached, Shawn answered the door. 

"Shawneyyy!" Ayla jumped into Shawn's hands. 

Shawn giggled as he spun her around. 

"How was school?" Shawn asked as he set her down.

"Not bad" Ayla said.

"Hell yeah it wasn't bad. This little devil over here literally beat up another girl" Hunter said as he tossed his keys on the table, settling onto the sofa.

"What?" Shawn's eyes widen. "So that's why you both are wearing Hunter's shirt?" 

Ayla nodded.

"Why you beat that kid up?" Shawn asked.

"Long story, Shawn. Where's Taker by the way?" Ayla asked when she couldn't see Taker anywhere.

"He said he'd stuff to do. He'd come by later" Shawn said.

Ayla shrugged. Taker does seem quite distant nowadays.

"Where's Steph?" Hayley asked.

"She's in the kitchen" Shawn pointed out. 

"Oh and by the way, I brought guests, today" Shawn said, pointing at the hallway as 3 familiar faces came walking from the kitchen into the living room.

"Becca!" Ayla squealed as she hugged Rebecca.

"Aunt Ayla" Cheyenne tugged her jeans. Ayla bent down and picked up the 10 year old.

"I missed my favorite girl so much" Ayla spun Cheyenne around, kissing her cheek.

"Hey, Ayla" Cameron greeted as he walked next to Ayla and Cheyenne.

Cameron and Ayla had grown closer for the past 2 years. He'd train with Shawn and Ayla whenever he is free, which is most of the time. But he was a total opposite of Ayla. He's a calm, nerdy kid while Ayla is chaotic and adventurous. 

"Hey Cammy" Ayla winked.

"They'll be staying here for the next three days if you don't mind" Shawn approached.

"Of course I don't. You can stay here as long as you like" Ayla said, tickling Cheyenne, chuckles escaping the 10 year old.

Hayley excused herself to the kitchen while Ayla went to take a shower. She took a long cold shower and came back downstairs where her favorite boiis are. Yeah, Hunter is also her favorite boii nowadays. She sat between Shawn and Hunter, her body leaned against Shawn as they watched random tv shows.

"I missed this" Ayla looked up at Shawn. Just lay back, relax and watch tv with her loved ones.

"Me too, kiddo" Shawn said, giving her a smile she hasn't seen in quite some time.

"Guys, lunch is ready" Stephanie called from the kitchen.

"Coming" Hunter said as he switched off the tv.

They got up and went to the dining room. The delicious smell of chicken filled the hall. 

"Smells good, Steph" Hunter said, eyeing the food on the table. 

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