Chapter 29

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Taker and Shawn stood at the bedside, arms crossed against their chests as Michelle checked Ayla's temperature. She examined the thermometer, shaking her head.

"She's having a fever. " Michelle said, followed by a grunt from Taker.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Hayley asked, holding her sister's hand.

"She'll be okay. She'll be up in a few minutes" Michelle patted Hayley's shoulder, giving her a warm smile.

Hayley nodded.

"Ayla" Kaia called out with her baby voice, sitting on Hayley's lap. "Mommy, Ayla" Kaia looked at Michelle, pointing at Ayla who was still unconscious. 

"Yes, sweetheart. Aunt Ayla isn't feeling well, just let her rest, okay? We can play with her tomorrow" Michelle said, picking Kaia up from Hayley and walked towards the door.

"Oh and honey, there's soup in the kitchen and the meds are in the drawers. When she wakes up, do make sure she eats something before she goes to bed, alright? I'm gonna put Kaia to sleep" Michelle said.

Taker nodded, kissing his daughter and wife before they exited the room, leaving him, Shawn and Hayley with an unconscious Ayla.

Shawn let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head side to side. He feels so guilty. He'd been hurting this poor little girl continuously these past 2 weeks. From being the reason she was kidnapped by Dolph to having a panic attack in the pool now. He'd totally forgot Ayla's fear of pool and crabs. Apparently she was still traumatized of what had happened back at the territory. Shawn cursed himself for being so careless.

Taker was also boiling. He was so mad at Shawn for being so irresponsible. He just wanted to punch the holy hell out of the bearded, smaller sized man in front of him. If eyes could kill, Shawn would be dead by now. He took a deep breath in and out, trying to calm himself, reminding him that Shawn didn't do it on purpose. He cleared his throat, drawing attention from Shawn and Hayley.

"You guys better go and get some sleep. I'll take care of her" Taker said.

"No, Taker. I want to stay until she's awake." Shawn said, earning a death stare from Taker, making him to immediately shut up. Taker was creepy when he wasn't mad itself, now that he was super mad, Shawn didn't want to try him. He hung his head down, slowly making his way out of the room, to the guest room next door. Taker was nice enough to let Shawn sleep for the night. Or else, Shawn would be on the streets as he didn't know his way back out of Taker's residential area. Just so you know, Taker literally lives in the middle of nowhere. He owns almost 500 acres of land and their way out is literally gonna take his a day out by feet.

Taker walked to the bedside and stood beside Hayley who was inches away from bursting into tears. He patted her shoulders, ensuring her everything will be alright. Hayley let out a weak smile before burying her face in Ayla's arm. 

She felt Ayla's arm stiffen. She quickly looked up to find Ayla stirring a little, slowly gaining consciousness. 

"Hey, you okay?" Hayley said, hovering her sister.

Ayla didn't open her eyes but she knew it was Hayley. She let out a weak nod. Her head was still pounding so she didn't bother to strain her eyes open. Her nose were blocked, making her feel sick as ever.

"Can you hear me?" Taker asked.

Ayla nodded, her eyes still closed.

"You want anything to eat?" Taker asked.

She shook her head.

"You need to eat something. Then, you can eat your meds" Hayley said.

Ayla whimpered. She shook her head.

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