Chapter 26

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"Hey Shawn. You okay, man?" Kid asked.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm okay. Is she alright?" Shawn was anxious. He hadn't even realize she was awake.

"She's fine. You should go in" 

Shawn sighed. "I can't face her, Kid. I feel so guilty" 

Kid put an arm around Shawn's shoulder. "Nah, don't be. She ain't mad either. In fact, she wants to talk to you now" 

Shawn couldn't believe it. "Really?"

"Really. Go on, off you go" Kid pushed Shawn a little, nudging him into the room.

Shawn was hesitant but decided to go in anyway. She let out a deep breath before pushing his way in. The room wasn't crowded like before. Only Ayla was on the bed. The balloons the boys brought in were tied to the end of the bed and the couch was full of teddy bears and gifts.

"Hey Shawn" Ayla greeted him chirpily.

Shawn gave a small smile as he stood beside the bed. "Hey"

"You want some chocolate? Taker brought loads of them" Ayla asked, handing him a piece of chocolate from the box she was holding.

Shawn took it but didn't eat it. Ayla set the box at the side table before turning back to him. He didn't have his charming smile like he always used to which kinda creeped her out. She sighed before pulling his hand so he would sit on the bed, which he happily obliged.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Uh yeah, yeah, I'm good, fine" Shawn gave a smile, a rather awkward one.

"Shawn, what's wrong?" 

"Nothing, no nothing's wrong"


"Seriously nothing is wrong"


"Everything's fine"


Shawn stopped blabbering and looked at her, letting out a huge sigh. Her round innocent eyes was full of concern which he finally gave in.

"Sorry, I'm just, I feel so guilty. It's because of me that you're in this situation. It's all my fault. I'm sorry" His eyes begin to damp up to which caught Ayla off guard. Shawn was being too sweet.

"Shawn" She hugged him. She doesn't care about the twitch in her head, all she knew that the man before her needed some comforting words and she loves her favorite boii.

"Hey, it's okay, alright? It isn't your fault, Shawn. It was mine. I was the one who forced you to bring me there without understanding the seriousness. I'm sorry, Shawn" She looked up at him. He still didn't seemed convinced. Even his hug was loose which so wasn't Shawn The Great Hugger.

"No, you're a kid and I understand that you wanna go out. It's just that, I should have been more alert about the situation and brought you along when the tech guy said Hunter was looking for me. And as a grown adult, I should have tried my best to convince you to stay at home with me. I was careless. It was my fault" Shawn spilled out, making her heart overwhelm. 

"Hey, it's okay. I should have been more careful too when the tech guy said Stephanie was looking for me. I should have just waited for you to return to Hunter's office. It was my fault as well" 

Silence filled the room. Shawn seemed a little less tensed as he was just now. Ayla decided to make him feel better.

"You did everything you could to protect me, Shawn. You are the best uncle a girl could ever have. You're a sweetheart" She smiled to him.

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