Chapter 49

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Finally it was time for presents. Ayla sat on the couch with Stephanie beside her while the other men surrounded her.

"Open mine first" Kev brought his, only to be stopped by Shawn.

"No, open mine first" Shawn smiled.

"What? No she should open mine first. I'm the one who planned all these" Hunter protested.

"No, she should open mine, I'm her favorite big guy" Taker said.

"I think she should open mine first since mine is the biggest" Kane said.

"Wow, wow, clearly she should open mine first since I'm Billy Gunn" Billy said

"What do you mean because you're Billy Gunn? I'm the bad guy, I'll go first" Scott cut him off.

"Boys, boys, cut it out, seriously" Ayla sighed, shaking her head at how these men in their 50s are being so childish.

"Alright to make it fair, we'll go from the eldest" Ayla suggested.

They all shrugged.

"Works for me" Kev said.

Scott came first since he is turning 60 this year. "Happy birthday, Chica" He handed her 3 perfectly wrapped boxes. Stephanie helped her to take the wrapper off. Taker took out his phone and begin recording it.

Scott had gifted her a necklace, a pair of headphones and a bad guy jacket. It had Scott's face with the wordings 'Bad Guy' on the right side of the chest.

"Woah, Scott these are beautiful, thank you" Ayla hugged him. He broke the hug and kissed the back of her hand.

"Glad you like it, hermosa" Scott said in his typical Razor Ramon Cuban slang, making her giggle.

He got up and next came Kev, who is 59 years old. His boxes were heavier than Scott's. She opened up his gifts and her eyes widen as she saw what was in the first box. It was a complete set of the Harry Potter and Fantastic Beast book series. She swore she was gonna cry again. Kev found out her Harry Potter addiction from Hunter and decided to buy her these.

"Kev" Ayla looked at him with watery eyes as she hugged him like a big teddy bear. Kev chuckled, knowing that she loves it a lot.

"Wait till you see the rest of them" Kev said and Ayla went back to opening her gifts.

Ayla opened the other three boxes. One was a custom made diamond bracelet with her name on it, another was a pair of sneakers and lastly was a brand new MP3 player.

"Thank you, Kevvy" Ayla said as she placed a kiss on Kev's cheek.

"Woah, that's a new name" Kev chuckled, patting her shoulder. He moved away, giving space for Billy next since he will be turning 55 this year. Billy got her a set of earrings and a hat that said "I'm A Mr. Ass Girl"

"I'm definitely wearing this in public" Ayla chuckled as she wore the hat on her head.

Taker and Shawn looked at each other. Both were turning 53 this year.

"I was born in July" Shawn shrugged.

Taker nodded since he was born in March. He kneeled before her, handing her three boxes. She smiled as she opened each and every boxes. Taker got her a customized Undertaker trench coat with her name in the back surrounding his Undertaker symbol. The second one was a pair of customized wrestling hand gloves. He knew she was gonna sign with WWE this year, so he decided to get her these.

"Woah, Taker, these are awesome, wow, thank you" Ayla hugged him, tighter than ever. "These means a lot to me"

"I know little one, I know" Taker patted her shoulder, breaking the hug. "I'm sure you'll love this one more" Taker handed the last box of his gifts.

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