Chapter 6

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"Kev, bring the girls inside" The braided guy yelled as he punched a guy to his side.

The black haired tall guy who was referred to as Kev lifted Ayla onto his shoulders and held Hayley by the arm and dragged them into the bar. 

The braided guy gave a final kick to the guy laying next to his feet as the other 2 guys finished pummeling Morrius's men. They looked at each other and nodded, signaling that the baddies were out. All nine men were lying on the floor, some unconscious and some stirring in pain and barely able to move.

The bald guy squatted beside Douglas and lifted his face which was flat on the ground. "I don't know what you want with that kid, but you better leave her alone, or you'll be getting these hands again, and this time, it wont be only the four of us. A whole army would be there to end all of you."

"And this time, it will be totally over" The chubby guy said and spat to his face.

"Pray that you could get up before the cops arrive" The braided guy said, slapping on Douglas's chest and they walked back into the bar to join Kev, Ayla and Hayley. They walked in to find the bar was empty and only a waiter was cleaning the table. They walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey Nick, you've seen Kev anywhere?" The chubby guy asked.

"Oh, he is in the parking lot with two girls" He answered and they nodded and rushed out to the parking lot. The found Kev in his rental van, the door was open with Hayley sitting at the back seat with Ayla laying on her lap and Kev standing outside, his back leaned against the wall of the van. 

Kev spotted them and told them to hurry as he got into the driver's seat and started the engine. The three men quickly got in the van and they speed off the highway. Deep in Hayley's heart, she was thanking God for showing them a way to escape, at the same time hoping these men who were in the van with her are good people and are willing to help them. Although they did help fend off Morrius's men, she just couldn't trust anyone after her own family was going to sell her off for prostitution.

They arrived at a hotel after a 2 hours drive. It was rather fancy and wasn't like an ordinary hotel. It looked like it was for rich and important people to stay. Kev helped Hayley to lift the still unconscious Ayla on his shoulder when her saw her struggle with Ayla's weight. The braided guy then wrapped an arm around Hayley as he led them all into the hotel room. Kev slowly placed Ayla on the bed as Hayley sat beside her and the chubby guy took out a first aid kit out.

"Hey kid, help me out and remove her jacket, please" The braided guy told Hayley. 

"Trust me, kiddo. I just want to help" He continued, showing the first aid kit, when Hayley looked hesitant. Hayley nodded and removed Ayla's jacket, leaving her in a sleeveless t-shirt.

The braided guy sat on the other side of Ayla and tended her wound. She was a bloody mess, he thought to himself. He looked at all her bruises all over her face, neck and shoulders and those bruises didn't look new. Looks like they were old. As a wrestler, he knows how those wounds look like if they were still new. A few bruises looked like they were old and left untended. 

Kev walked in from the kitchenette with a pack of ice "Hey, thought this would come in handy" as he approached them. The braided guy took it from Kev and slowly pressed it on to Ayla's shoulders. He took a bandage and carefully wrapped it around her arms to hold the pack in place. 

"Woah, that bruise looks nasty" The bald guy who was sitting on the sofa beside the bed commented. The braided guy nodded in agreement.

"This doesn't look like a new bruise. I'm surprised she was able to even lift her arms with those bruise" The braided guy told as Kev nodded. The braided guy continued to tend her bruise on her face. He wiped out all of the blood on her face and squeezed some medicine onto a cotton wool and slowly dabbed on her forehead which was busted open. Kev held her head up a little as The braided guy carefully wrapped a bandage around her forehead and slowly placed her head back on the pillow when he was done. The braided guy seemed to be satisfied with his work as he kept the meds back into the kit.

"She'd be fine in a few hours. I'll get the doctor first thing in the morning" He said. It was already half pass 2 in the morning.

"You guys should probably get some rest. I'll see you guys tomorrow" The bald guy said as he walked out of the room. 

"Yeah, you can sleep on the bed with her. I'll be sleeping on the couch if you ever need me. Just wake me up once she is awake" Kev told Hayley who had been sniffling the whole time, not letting Ayla's hand.

"Yeah, and if Kev didn't wake up, I'll be right next door all alert, you got me, Kid?" The braided guy joked, looking down at Hayley and placed a hand on her, giving it a reassuring tap and a slight smile.

Hayley who was overwhelmed, nodded with a huge smile on her face. "Thank you, sir" She thanked as the braided guy and the chubby guy winked at her and went out of room. Kev ruffled Hayley's hair and walked towards the couch and drifted into sleep immediately. 

Hayley carefully wrapped an arm on Ayla as she made herself comfortable beside her. A million thoughts were going on her mind. Mainly about who these guys are and how Ayla is. However, she was grateful that they were willing to help them and tend Ayla who almost gave her a heart attack when she passed out. At least they were safe from the Ludes. It was the first time ever that someone from the Lude territory has escaped. And Hayley being the heir of the Ludes is a really shameful thing for the Ludes. 

The last time her great great grandmother Lindsey betrayed the family when she was in love with the Ludes rivalry, the Keithon mafia's son in Spain. They eventually sold her off for prostitution.  A gang war erupted between two the Ludes and the Keithons from the incident which resulted in the Ludes retreating and hiding out in America ever since. No one has ever escaped the territory before, or at least live to tell the tale next minute. Her name would definitely go down in the Ludes history. She couldn't care less about that. All she wanted was to be free from the Ludes, she wanted to achieve her dreams. Now that she was far away from the Ludes territory, she was able to for the first time in her life, smile as she slowly drifted into sleep.


Author's Note:

Chapter 6 is up! I have still yet to reveal who are the four men, although yes, I have revealed the first guy, Kev. I will reveal who are the other three guys in the next chapter. Stay tuned for more.

Signing out,


(Word count: 1263)

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