Chapter 37

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It was almost 7pm, which means it was almost time for work. Ayla descended the stairs with Hayley. They scanned the hall, making sure there weren't anybody. They continued all the way to the door only to be stopped.

"Where are you girls going?" Rebecca asked.

Ayla and Hayley turned around.

"Becca! Oh, no where, we're just...." Ayla trailed off.

"You girls better tell the truth" Rebecca crossed her arms, going into mom mode.

They couldn't lie to that. Hayley sighed.

"We're going to work" Hayley said.

"Really?" Hunter came out of no where. "After all this?"

"I'm sorry, Hunter. But we can't just stop like that. We need to inform our boss." Ayla justified.

Hunter took a deep breath in. "Okay, okay. So what time is your work?"

"7.30" they said in unison.

"Alright. Come on, I'll drop you off and I'll talk to your boss" Hunter said.

"No, no, no, no, no." Ayla rapped. If Hunter knew she was working for Dolph, he'd murder her.

Hunter looked at her confused.

"I mean uh, we could, uh, we could handle ourselves" Ayla said, signalling Hayley to go with it.

"Yeah, we're big girls, we'll be fine" Hayley nodded, giving a reassuring smile.

Hunter looked at the girls. "Alright, but you two better tell your boss that you two are quitting and I mean immediately. You get me?"

Ayla and Hayley nodded.

"Alright, off you go." Hunter said, pulling them both in a hug and placed kisses on their forehead.

Ayla looked at Hunter. He's been doing that quite often. He didn't show much affection two years ago. But ever since he came back, he's been so affectionate towards them both. She doesn't know why, but she likes it. The loving Hunter.

The girls bid goodbye and walked to their workplace. For now, all Ayla could hope was for Dolph not to be there. She could convince Dylan, but if Dolph was there, it was going to be a lot harder for her.

As soon as they reached the pub, they went straight to Dylan's office. Thank goodness, Dolph wasn't there.

"Hey Dylan" Ayla greeted.

"Hey girls. You're here early" Dylan said.

"Yeah, well actually, we have something we need to discuss" Ayla said.

"Discuss? I hope it's not a pay raise is it?" Dylan chuckled.

"No, Dy. It's not it, although it does sound nice" Hayley chuckled.

"Joking, joking. Anyways, what's up?" Dylan asked.

"Well, we both are quitting" Ayla spilt it out.

"WHAT??" Another voice from outside the office was heard. The door swung open and to reveal who else but freaking Dolph Ziggler.

Ayla sighed. She didn't want this to happen.

"Why? Why are you quitting?" Dolph fumed.

He was scared to face the facts that he isn't gonna able to see the girl of his dreams everyday anymore. It's just been a few days since he was able to see her after two years and now he was gonna lose her again?


"Fucking explain yourself" Dolph yelled.

Ayla was dumbstruck. Why was Dolph this angry?

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