chp 1 🍊

471 8 2

"Never fight to keep someone in your life. If it is love, it will stay."

y/n's pov

 "Alright, just send it to my email after this. I will have a look at it and send you the relevant documents. Yeah, thank you Minah. I will handle it when I return to Seoul this Friday. Bye." I sighed upon ending the call with my secretary. Well, I am on a vacation in Hawaii by myself since last week. I desperately wanted to have some time for myself away from all these hectic schedules but it seems like this is impossible with the number of cases coming in.

I am working at a law firm owned by my grandfather in Seoul as a lawyer. Currently, my brother and I are handling the law firm ever since my father retired. Since young, my parents wanted both of us to take over the law firm once we finished studying therefore I have no chance to pursue what I wanted but to major in Business and Law. 

Moving on from my thoughts, my feet wandered around the beach with earphones plugged in my ears. It was 10 at night so the beach which is a few steps away from my room was very quiet and enjoyable. I enjoy visiting the beach since young. Listening to the sound of waves crashing, especially during late night, without worrying about anything. 

With my sandals in my hand, I slowly walk towards one of the bigger rocks to sit down. As I was walking towards it, I noticed someone standing on top of the rock, staring into the sea. I was about to shrug it off but I got worried as I saw the person inching closer towards the sea, almost off the rock he was standing on. 

yah, what is he trying to do? He going to fall off soon if he continues to move closer! Wait- is he, trying to jump off from the rock? Wait-what???

Without further hesitation, I run towards to guy hoping to stop him before it's too late. "HEY!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING????" I yelled as I run to reach him. Thankfully he stopped and look backward. "Aish, what are you trying to do just now? Do you know how dangerous it is ?" I  yelled at him trying to knock some senses into him. However, he just stares right into my eyes. I was about to speak but I was too mesmerized by his dark brown eyes. Too lost to even speak anything. Both of us just continue to stare at each other for a while until he speaks. 

"I am not doing what you are thinking. I am just trying to move further and sit." He speaks as he breaks the stare.  "you scared me..." I murmured as I move my gaze towards the sea. 

"Here, have some. I enjoy eating tangerines whenever I am feeling troubled." I hand him one of my tangerines from the bag that I bought along. "What makes you think that I am troubled?" He speaks back with his monotone voice, accepting the tangerine from my hand.

"Not going to lie, you look like an emo guy. Well, whoever saw this will think that you're trying to end your life. Whatever it is, I hope that you're ok. Sincerely." I spoke while admiring his features. Sharp jawline, pale face, plump lips. Breathtaking. His bangs almost covered his glimmering eyes and his bucket hat that fits perfectly.

"Then, what are you doing here if you're not doing what I think it is?" I asked. He stopped eating his peeled tangerine for a moment and turned to face me. "Enjoying the cool breeze. A very rare opportunity for me to be able to do so" 

I nodded as I peel my tangerine. "How about you?" 

"I am escaping from reality" he looked at me as I answered his question as if he is trying to figure out what I meant. "Haha, just some work-related stuff and I'm y/n. You?"

"Yoongi. Min Yoongi."

Once again our eyes met, staring into each other. His name sounds familiar, I am certain that I had heard it somewhere else but I shrugged it off the moment he continues to speak.

"I suppose you don't know abt it."

"It? What do you mean and what am I supposed to know?" I asked after swallowing the piece of tangerine in my mouth. To my surprise, he didn't answer my question but instead, he replied me with a smile. I was about to continue until his phone rang.

"Oh, yeobuseyo?" 

"I am nearby. Don't worry, I am going back soon." He replied to the person on the other line before ending the call. 

"I need to go. Thank you for the tangerine, ugh, and just now." He spoke while standing up.

"Yeah, sure you're welcome. Just, find someone to talk to. You will feel better. Nice to know you." With a smile, he bid his farewell and walked towards the land. 

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