chp 3 ✈️

154 6 2

"If fate isn't fair, fight it till the end"

Author's pov

It is Friday morning where y/n is now packing her stuff and making final checks to ensure that she did not leave anything behind. She then takes a bath before heading to the airport. While she is in the shower, she couldn't stop thinking abt her conversation with yoongi yesterday night.

"I want you to be happy too, y/n ah....."   

Y/n was taken aback by his reply as all along people around her will only envy her or simply shrug it off by telling her to not disappoint her parents. This is the first time y/n found someone that truly understands how she feels and not only that, she found someone that motivated her to chase her dreams.

Back at Incheon International Airport, Seoul.

y/n's pov

"God, why is it so crowded here" I frown as the main exit was cramped with mostly reporters. I have to use the main exit as my brother is waiting for me even though I insisted that I can go home by myself. 

A familiar figure in the middle of the crowd caught my eyes. He was wearing his black mask and sunglasses on. Judging from the crowd, I assume that he must be an idol or artist. Well, I'm too busy to even pay attention to the music industry nowadays. All thanks to the piles of work in the firm. 

'Breaking news. Suga of BTS returned from his vacation in Hawaii and he had just arrived in Incheon International Airport from Inouye International Airport.' I heard from a reporter reporting in front of a camera right nearby the crowd, proving my assumption right. 

"Y/n ah! Here!" I run towards the waving figure right across the road and hugged him.

"Oppa, I missed you....."

"I missed you too y/n ah. Are you hungry? Let's go home. Appa is waiting for you."

"Seriously? Don't tell me that it is about work again. Come on Oppa, I just landed freaking minutes ago yah!" I pout as he releases me from the hug. 

"ani....appa just wanted to have dinner with you. He misses you too y/n ah. You have been gone for almost a week! Gaja, let's go home. Palli!" I looked at him as he load my luggage into the car. The entire drive was filled with laughter as I shared with him the interesting things I have encountered in Hawaii. If you are wondering how did I managed to escape to Hawaii despite my busy schedules, well, I have to beg my brother to help convince our dad since last month. Appa finally gave in and granted my birthday wish.



"Aigoo y/n ah! You're back finally. The firm has been very busy ever since you left."

"Appa, don't you miss me? Why must you greet me with work-related stuff? Can I at least have a hug from you appa yah?"

He pulled me into his hug upon hearing my statement. 

"Come in, the maids have prepared the dinner. Your favorite dishes." I smiled hearing the last sentence. I have been missing homemade dishes ever since I landed in Hawaii. All three of us approached the dining table together as we continue to share interesting stories that happened when I am away.

"Eat more y/n ah." My father spoke as he place some prawns in my bowl. 

"Y/n ah, the law firm needs you. When will you be back?" He continued.

"Yes. A lot of cases passed to us yesterday. I believe that Minah told you some of the urgent ones. I almost go crazy if you're not going to come back today" Oppa chuckled.

I sighed as I replied, "Araso. I will back to my position tomorrow ok? I will deal with it." 

How to tell them that I want to quit when they are not giving me chance to speak? The firm needs me. Both oppa and appa need me. Aish


Yoongi's pov

I walked past the bowing guards standing at the back entrance of the company, Hybe Corporation. 

"Oh yoongi hyung, you're back!" Namjoon exclaimed as he saw me in the hallway.

"I thought you saw the news."

"I have been in the studio with the producer since 9 in the morning. How's your mixtape going on?" 

"Done. Will be dropping it soon. Do you want to hear it?" I asked the younger.

"Sure!" I key in the password to my studio, inviting him in to let him listen to my mixtape. He is the only one interested in my mixtape so far. The others were busy with their schedules before I left. Jimin and Jungkook working on a collab. Taehyung is busy filming his new drama while Jhope works on the new dance moves for our next comeback which is around the corner. Jin? You must be wondering. 

He went on countless fishing trips after finishing his songs. Guess what? He texted me 3 in the morning just to tell me that he caught the river and some seaweeds instead of fish. This hyung....aish I am speechless. I seriously think that he is cleaning the river instead of fishing. 

"yarhhh....... daebak! swag hyung! You did a great job" I smiled widely, satisfied as Namjoon praised my new mixtape. 

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