chp 10 🎂

96 5 0

"Be the person who stays stronger even when you have reasons to break down."

Y/n's pov


"Yeah, the grumpy grandpa!" Jin continued.

"I mean, what happened?" I asked, feeling worried. Yoongi has not been contacting me since that night. Both of us were busy with our won schedules, I didn't get a chance to drop by and visit them since I returned to the firm. 

"It's her. She's back. Kim Hyuna." 


BTS dropped their new album two days ago, which is now a huge hit around the world. Their album breaks several records, reaching an incredible amount of views within hours. On top of that, they topped numerous charts and even Billboard for weeks. 

"Minah, the contract is ready on my table. Once Moon Financial's CEO arrives, please help me sign the contract with him and apologize on my behalf. I have something important going on and I need to leave now." I told Minah before leaving the firm, heading towards the basement for my car. The members invited me over for their new album celebration in their company. Jin insisted that I should attend the celebration before he come over to my office and drag me over. Well, I need to rush home to change, at least not to embarrass the member. I heard that their company's board directors will be there too.

 I heard that their company's board directors will be there too

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As soon as parked my car in the basement of my apartment, I quickly rush to my apartment, unlocked the door, and head straight towards the bathroom to shower. I then change into a simple black dress, trying to look decent and representable after putting on some light makeup which I would skip unless special occasion.  Before going to the dinner, I stop by at a famous bakery to collect the custom-made cake I ordered for the members as a gift and, not forgetting the tangerines for Yoongi.



"Jin oppa, I'm here at the lobby. Which level you're at?" I asked as I walked towards the lift. 

"Oh y/n, we're at level 13." 

"Ok" I then enter the lift, along with a woman around my age, pressing the same level, as she scanned my figure from head to toe. To be honest, she looks prettier than me and stunning in her white dress. As I entered the hall, people were looking at me. I quickly walk towards the side of the hall before I spot Yoongi's eyes on me. He looks handsome in his tuxedo, hot as usual. Does it hurt when he fell from the sky? I wonder.

 Does it hurt when he fell from the sky? I wonder

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