chp 13 📰

92 3 0

"How far should a person go in the name of true love?"

Y/n's pov

I flutter my eyelids open, his angelic face came into my sight. I planted a kiss on his forehead as a smile crossed my lips when I recalled what happened last night. Both of us held each other tight, not wanting to let go as we gave ourselves to each other. I couldn't help but to just fall for him harder. 

I continue to adore his sleeping figure, giggling at the rare sight of him. His mouth slightly opened, letting out tiny snores. Cute.  He groaned as I touch his nose, and move closer, snuggling into my hair while his hand hugged my waist tightly under the comforter that is covering our naked bodies. 

"Staring is rude, babe." He look at me with his eyes barely opened. I smacked his bare chest as I turn my face away to hide my burning red cheeks. 

"Sleep, I'm tired." He continued before closing his eyes and dozing off again. 

Of course, you are. You went for rounds last night. Must be crazy


"Hmm, let's see what we have here..." I mumbled while looking through the fridge, to make breakfast for both of us. I'm hungry. Yoongi is still sleeping in his room while I'm here in his kitchen because I'm wide awake, unable to continue to sleep anymore. I had to walk slowly down the stairs, well, very sore.

After rummaging his fridge, I took some sausages and eggs to cook. Other than these, his fridge is only filled with alcohol. I prepared some coffee for both of us before heading towards the pan to fry the sausages and eggs. Iced americano because I know he likes it the most. Hoseok told me.

While I was frying the eggs, Yoongi's hand sneaked around my waist as he rest his head on my shoulder. 

"My shirt looks good on you, babe..." He snuggled into the crook of my neck, sniffing.

"Yoon-gi...Stop it it's very ticklish..."

"Kiss me..." 

"Yoongi, I'm making our breakfast!"


"Alright, stop whining." I gave in and turn around to give him a short peck but he hold my face, deepening the kiss. A short peck turned into an intense makeout. Thank God the eggs are not burnt.


"Babe are you ready???" Yoongi yelled from the front door, signaling me to quicken my pace.

"Yes, I'm coming!" I took my belongings from his room and run down the stairs. Yoongi is going to send me back to my apartment before he goes back to his studio. Although today is Sunday, he still needs to go back to his studio to complete the unfinished track. A new track for collaboration with Suran.

"Let's go."


"Bye Yoonie. I will miss you and be careful!" I pecked his lips before unbuckling my seatbelt and head towards the lobby of my apartment.

"What's with the nickname?" He pouted as he wave goodbye to me from his car seat.


The next day

"Good morning Ms. This is your schedule for today." Minah passed me her tablet, showing me the schedules for today.

"Thank you. I will leave at 3 later."

"You're having your first class in uni today?" 

"Yeah. Back to be a student." Both of us laughed before a loud noise from outside caught our attention. We turn our head towards the door, trying to figure out what had happened.

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