Epilogue 🐕

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"What you do today is important because you're exchanging a day of your life for it. Make it worth."


Two years later

Y/n's pov

"Yah! The both of you, slow down!" I hold on to Holly's leash, trying to chase the running Yoongi and Yoonji.

"Alright Yoonji, let's wait for eomma ok? She's slow today..." Yoongi stop there for me to approach them while holding Yoonji's hand as both of them giggled.

"I have my reasons to be slow ok?" I pouted. 

"Alright wifey, let's go." Yoongi intertwined our hands while Yoonji took Holly's leash from me. Holly is a gift I bought for Yoongi last year during Yoonji and his birthday. Well, he wanted another addition to our family but back then Yoonji is still very young and I have to finish my studies. So, I figured out that getting him an adorable puppy works too.  Indeed, he loves Holly a lot.

Both of us walked slowly, well, I'm pregnant again. Currently in the last semester, ready to give birth any time soon. We found out that we are going to have a baby boy during the previous appointment. Yoongi was on cloud nine when he found out that he's going to be a father again while Yoonji seems to love the fact that she will be having a companion to play with soon. The members and Yoonji often hang out together, they have a very close and unbreakable special bond that I couldn't really put in words. 

The members often help Yoongi and me to look after Yoonji to let me rest or when we are busy. I am thankful for that but sometimes, Yoonji + BTS could be chaotic. Yoonji's first word was 'pabo' which later I found out from Jimin, Kookie taught her that. Yoonji will randomly spit some funny ones she learned from her uncles, like 'Jiminie pabo' and 'Jimin you got no jams'. Clearly, we all know who she heard it from. I'm not even surprised if she will spit out words like 'fck' or 'shit' soon, well, her father is Min Yoongi. Cypher pt 5 with Yoonji will be cool and awesome according to Yoongi.

Yoongi's parents will come to Seoul to visit us and play with Yoonji once a while before returning to Seoul. They love their granddaughter. Appa too, often stop by to see Yoonji.

My brother, Junhae got married not long after me. They are expecting a daughter next month. While the members, they are doing great after disbanding. Jin is currently in a relationship. Namjoon already got married last year and yes, they are also expecting. Hoseok is currently busy with his own mixtape and going on vacations. I heard from Yoongi that he visited Hawaii along with his family last week. I'm glad that he's enjoying himself. They deserve a break! Jimin and Jungkook, well the cute duo are still single, ready to mingle while Tae is currently chasing a girl he met somewhere on the street. Although BTS disbanded, they are still working on their solo works, under the same company and their bonds still remain strong. They are still very well known, breaking records and making history. Once, they even joked about having their kids as the second generation of Bangtan. 

We often gather together just like we used to. We purposely bought our apartment next to each other's or nearby so that we could visit each other. Yoonji can go over to her uncles' houses too. All of us are living on the same level of the building now.


"Dinner is ready!" Yoonji and I walked towards the dining table as Yoongi placed the last dish he cooked on the table. 

"Daebak, I'm hungry jagi! Smells so good" I took a seat beside Yoongi and Yoonji.

"Eat well ok?" He pats both Yoonji and my head. 

"Thank you for the food!" 

We enjoy the delicious food Yoongi made while we have a small chat. Suddenly, I put my spoon down when I feel something wet dripping down my thighs. I look down in horror. Yoongi noticed something off too.

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