chp 16 😢

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"The worst battle I ever fought was between what I think and how I feel."

Y/n's pov

"This is the key to access the safety box where all the contracts are in. Call me if you need anything, oppa."

"Alright, Y/n. You should be resting now you know? You can just ask Minah to pass me everything."

"I just want to see you for the last time oppa...I don't know when will be the next time I'll see you."

"I will miss you Y/n oppa when you reach Hawaii ok?"

"Ok. I will miss you too oppa. Please remember don't tell appa that I'm going there alone. He thought I am going there with the baby's father."

"Y/n, are you sure you can handle everything by yourself?" Oppa sighed as he caressed my cheeks, with his face filled with worries.

"Don't worry ok oppa?"

"Do you need me to send you to the airport tomorrow then?"

"Ani. It's ok oppa, I know you're busy and I can go to the airport by myself." 

"Have you settled everything? Are you sure you're not going to tell the baby's father? I know you don't want to tell oppa who is him, but oppa hope that you can think through it thoroughly, I want the best for my sister."

"I figured out that it will be best to keep this secret from him. Just stop worrying ok oppa? I already passed the keys to my apartment to the owner. Everything is done already." 

"Y/n, always remember that oppa is here for you ok? No matter what."

Yeah, I have decided to move to Hawaii, the place where everything started, and raise the baby by myself. I don't want the baby to cause any problems or ruin Yoongi's career. Maybe it is best to keep this secret from him. I want him to be happy. The flight to Hawaii will be tomorrow evening. 


Yoongi's pov

Everything seems to be better nowadays. I drowned myself with work to distract myself from thinking about Y/n again. None of the members spoke or bring up about her anymore. Or is it they purposely avoid talking about her in front of me, I'm not sure. Hyuna has been disturbing me every day. Annoying as ever. I am currently in my studio along with Namjoon and Hoseok. The three of us working on some new tracks. 

"I'm going to the cafeteria, hyung do you need any drinks?" Hoseok asked as he stand up and stretched. We have been working for hours after the lunch break.

"Get me some iced americano Hoseok ah." I requested while Namjoon just shook his head, "I'm ok."

After Hoseok left, both of us continue working on the tracks. One of the tracks I wrote weeks ago reminded me of Y/n. It was composed specially for her. I stare into the space while listening to the track. Her smile, her laughter, and her face appeared in my mind again. A tear escaped from my eyes without me noticing. I was about to wipe it away quickly before Namjoon noticed it again however it seems like I'm too late.  

"You're missing Y/n noona again?" I kept quiet.

"Hyung, I am sure Y/n noona will be upset seeing you in this condition. She chose to leave you so that you'll be happy, not suffering like this hyung. All of us know that you have been drinking secretly and trust me, Y/n did not sacrifice her own happiness just for this-"

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING NAMJOON???" He quickly covered his mouth, cursing himself from exposing it to me.


"Hyung. Cool down. It seems like I can't hide it from you anymore. I promised Y/n not to tell you but, she left you for your sake. She sacrificed her happiness for yours, hyung. Not that she doesn't love you any more or regret anything that has happened between the both of you. She doesn't want to ruin your career, hyung..."

"You knew it all along? And you kept it away from me?"

"I'm sorry you-" I left the studio, running towards the lift. I need to see Y/n now. How could I think so low of her? She's suffering alone. All along she has been sacrificing everything while me? All I know is to blame her, not trusting her. What a fool I am. Indeed, I am a fool for letting her go. 

Y/n, wait for me. I will not let you go anymore. This time, let me do something for you, and, for our love. You have done enough's my turn now. Nothing matters if you're not here with me. I'm willing to give up everything. 


The moment I reached the building, I rushed to the level of her apartment is at and knocked on her door, hoping that she will answer it. I waited for another 2 minutes but yet no one open the door. I have a bad feeling about it. Today is the weekend so she's supposed to be at home during this timing. Without hesitation, I punched in the password to her apartment. To my surprise, the door opened. She didn't change the password.

I yelled for her as I walk into her apartment but no one answered. Her apartment was empty. Almost everything is gone except for the furniture. I searched around for her traces but indeed the whole apartment is empty. All of her belongings are gone too. I groaned in frustration as I can't reach her. 

Where are you Y/n ah...

I sighed as I walked towards the door, about to leave the empty apartment when I saw a folded paper beside the shoe rack. I pick the paper up as I open it to read. I got shocked the moment I saw the content of it. It was a pregnancy report...of Y/n? 

She's pregnant?

The reports showed that she's pregnant for almost 4's our baby. She's going to leave with our baby. How can you do this to me Y/n ah? I stood there, sobbing my heart out. 

I suddenly remembered that I have her office's number that she gave me during our encounter in Hawaii. I quickly took my phone out from my leather jacket, rummaging through the contact to find the number. Finally, I found it. I dialed it immediately.

Please, please answer it Y/n ah...

Thank God, as if God heard my call, someone picked up the phone after ringing for a while.

"Hello?" An unexpected voice answered the phone. It was not Y/n but a man instead.  

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