chp 20 💉

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"The moment you thought everything is ok, it comes back to haunt you again."

Author's pov

Yoongi sits right beside Y/n's bed, with her hands in his. He looked at her sleeping peacefully as he tucked a strand of her hair away from her face. Luckily, they managed to send her to the hospital on time. Both of them are ok. Reports showed that Y/n is only over-shocked, everything else is ok. Thank God, Yoongi felt more relieved hearing that. He almost go crazy the moment he saw her lying in a pool of blood, unconscious. The only thing he kept doing while waiting for her outside the operation theater is to pray and beg God to not take her away from him. He kneeled there, crying and blaming himself for failing to take good care of you. 

The members, especially Namjoon, are helping him to deal with the press back in the company. Yoongi never left her side ever since she came out from the operation theater. 

Large crowds can be seen outside the hospital, obviously, they followed the ambulance all the way there. 


Y/n's pov

I open my eyes, trying to move my hand when I felt something on it. I looked towards it. It was Yoongi sleeping while holding my hand. I sighed as I looked at his tired face. 

I slowly move and try to sit up on my own without waking him up but I failed. 

"Bae? You're awake? Do you need anything? Wait- do you feel anywhere uncomfortable? I'm calling the doct-" I hold his hand tightly, stopping him from leaving.

"Yoonie, I'm ok and I don't need anything else other than you." He pulled me into a tight hug while caressing my hair. 

"Do you know how worried I am? Thank God both of you are ok." I could hear his light sob as I soothingly pat his back.

"I'm sorry for making you worry Yoonie..."

"Ani, I am the one who is supposed to be sorry bae. I failed to protect the both of you-" A kiss to get rid of his unnecessary guilt away. He finally stopped apologizing, both of us just stare at each other.

"Y/n ah, do you know how important you are to me? I can't imagine having to live without you. It's meaningless without you, and it's no longer living, but purely surviving. Y/n ah, I want to spend my entire life with you and our babies do you know that?" I just look at him in silence. This vulnerable side of him, the side which he hides from the world.

"I have discussed with the company and decided to let the press know about us, Y/n. I don't want to hide you anymore. I want to show you to the world, show them who I'm proud of, even if it means the end of my career as an idol."


"I know what you're about to say Y/n ah. I promise to protect you and our family with all my might. I will make sure our family is safe from harm, our kids can grow up happily, and I can love you with my everything. Do you trust me?"  I nod at him with tears in my eyes. 

"You don't have to worry. I can continue my carer as a producer, and,  I have more than enough to feed our family for our entire life. If you're planning for more babies, I can afford it too." Our foreheads met as we held each other tight.

This time, we will face everything together, no matter what. Just like what we promised.


Two days later.

"Are you sure you want to go with me?" Yoongi asked for the fifth time while packing my clothes into his backpack. I can finally go home today after staying in hospital for days. 

"Yes, Yoonie. I want to face the press with you. Together." I looked at him with assurance.

"Alright. Should we go now?" He extends his hand out to me, holding my hand as we step out of the hospital together. 


The lights flashed, blinding our eyes the moment we exited the hospital. Both of us stood in front of the hospital, hand in hand as we face the crowd. At first, it was chaos as the crowd tried to push forward. Questions were thrown at us and people yelled Yoongi's name. I held my baby bump, protecting my baby from getting hurt. Thankfully the crowd is under control after a while all thanks to the bodyguard. Both Yoongi and I looked at each other, nodding our heads and taking deep breaths before he spoke. 

"Good afternoon. I'm SUGA of BTS. I am here to announce that, I am currently in a relationship, and we're expecting. This girl beside me is the girl I want to spend my entire life with, Lee Y/n. I hope that you can respect us, give us the privacy we deserved and support our decisions. Thank you." We bowed slightly before heading towards the car prepared. 

We have finally tackled our biggest fear together. 

To our surprise, which we didn't expect at all, the fans and public were very supportive and accepting. We received a lot of love and blessings on various platforms. We were glad and thankful for the responses. Of course, some are against it. Yoongi wants me to ignore them for the sake of the baby and me. 

Other than that, Yoongi's company found out that it was Hyuna who break the news to the press all along after investigating. They decided to abolish the contract with her as they do not condemn such behavior. Yoongi wanted to sue her at first when he found out about it from Jin, I had to stop him from doing so.  As long as she received the punishments she deserved and both baby and I are healthy now, we should finally put an official end to this endless saga. 




Short update! This book is going to end soon.
Let's pray for Jin, Yoongi, and Namjoon's speedy recovery!

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