chp 6 🎵

114 6 0

"This morning will come again, no darkness, no season is eternal."   
- Spring Day

y/n's pov

"Here, the files."

"Y/n, I need Park Corporation's contracts."

"Y/n, you have a meeting in 10 more minutes..."



The whole day people have been looking for me, yelling my name, coming in and out of my office non-stop. The whole firm has been extra busy today. I hate to admit it but usually, our firm has already been busy but today's situation is totally out of hand. Oppa is not around. He has been attending court for numeral cases today. That means I am the only one left in the firm today to handle the important matters.

"Yes?" I answered the call without looking at the dialer.

"Ms Y/n, sajangnim is here for you." 

"Arasso, let him in."

knock knock

"Oh, appa" I continued typing on my laptop, ignoring the figure at my door.

"Seems like today is a busy day y/n ah."

"Yeah, oppa went to court today. I am the only one left to handle his stuff too."

"I see. Y/n ah, appa needs you to help Uncle Choon. His company got involved in a serious lawsuit. You're the only one capable of helping them." I kept quiet listening to appa's plead as I continued to rush the contract that is due today. 

"Besides that, I heard that you rejected Yeon Industries's deal. I viewed their deal. Pretty decent. I hope that you can reconsider your decision. I am sure it will benefit us if we accept their deal, y/n." I sighed before looking at my dad that is seating in front of me.

"Appa, it's not that I don't want to help Uncle Choon, our firm has been very busy all along especially these days. I would be glad to help him but currently, oppa and I caught up in difficult cases. I tried to reject deals that are not very important or urgent just to be able to handle Park Corporation's cases that you requested yesterday appa. I had to reject Yeon Industries's deal because if I accept it, at this rate we're going, we won't be able to handle other cases. I hope you understand appa." I blurted out, hoping that I would successfully convince him. All of us, the entire firm have indeed been going the extra mile and we're exhausted. I then shift my gaze back to my laptop and start working on it.

"Y/n ah, I understand and I know that you and Junhae will be able to handle it. I have high hopes and anticipation on you-"

"ANI APPA!!! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND AT ALL! YOU HAVE BEEN ASKING US TO DO WHATEVER YOU WANT AND YOU DID NOT EVEN LISTEN TO US! OPPA AND ME HAVE BEEN WORKING IN THIS DAMM FIRM SINCE YESTERDAY DO YOU KNOW? I'M DONE! I'M TIRED APPA, I'M QUITTING." I slammed my laptop, taking my phone and laptop before exiting my office way before he could speak anything, leaving the dumbfounded man alone.

I let out a groan as I walked past everyone in the firm without saying anything. I've been stressed out and I need a break. I need to release it all and what appa said does not help at all. I sit in my car seat for a moment, trying to calm myself down.


Busy? You left your AirPods here that day on the sofa. - Yoongi (4.15 p.m.)

Did I leave my AirPods? Arghhh I didn't even realize. I must be too busy with the firm these days to even listen to music.   I took a deep breath before replying to him.  

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