chp 23 💑

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"Even if the whole world is against you, I'll stand up for you and be your strongest backbone."

Y/n's pov

Yoongi and I went to the gyne yesterday for a scheduled appointment. At first, we should be able to find out the gender of our baby since I'm already almost 6 months into pregnancy. Too bad, the doctor failed to find out the gender since the baby hides itself, not allowing us to find out his/her gender. I guess our baby wants to surprise us. We have to hold back most of our plans, even though the members bought a lot of branded clothes for the baby. All of them assumed that our baby will be a girl so they bought stuff only for a girl. I sighed looking at the bags they sent me while Yoongi just nagged at them.

Thankfully, both the baby and I are healthy. That's more than enough for Yoongi and me. 

Although Yoongi is still busy with his work and on the other hand he needs to handle the wedding preparation, he still makes time for me. Sometimes when I woke up in the middle of the night, he would always make me some warm milk before putting me back to sleep. He is very understanding and loving. I love the little feet massages he gave me every night before going to bed. He said that it will help reduce the swell and give me a good sleep.

His parents came over to Seoul last week. We had dinner together. I was nervous at first but Yoongi kept assuring me that everything will be ok. Just like what he said, everything went on well. His parents were very happy about the baby. They treated me like their own daughter. 

Well, Yoongi said that they treat me better than when they treat him. I'm glad that his parents accepted and like me a lot. They were very friendly and loving, just like Yoongi.

Since my mother passed away when I'm still a teen, Yoongi's mom offered to accompany me to try out the wedding dress while Yoongi went with the members to choose his tuxedo. I was about to reject her, not wanting to trouble her but she insisted. I'm thankful for her nice gesture. Indeed, she treats me well like her own daughter.

"You look stunning Y/n ah! Aigoo, our Yoongi is a lucky man." She smoothed out the dress while looking into the mirror where I stand in front of. 

"Thank you, Mrs.Min." I blushed at her compliment. 

"Aigoo, our pretty Y/n still calls me Mrs.Min. Call me omma ok?" I smiled at her. I have decided to choose a simple and comfortable yet elegant dress, enough to make the bump less obvious.

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"Tell me if Yoongi bullies you, sweetie. I will teach him a lesson." I chuckled as I look at her, noticing the tears in her eyes. I thanked her and hugged her tightly. 


Yoongi's pov

"You look great hyung~" Hoseok teased while the members cooed the moment I step out of the changing room, in the tuxedo for the wedding

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"You look great hyung~" Hoseok teased while the members cooed the moment I step out of the changing room, in the tuxedo for the wedding.

"Can't believe that you're the first to get married, man" Namjoon approaches me as he gives me a buddy hug.

"Well, none of us ever expect that someone will actually melt his cold heart." They chuckled at Jimin's words.

"Noona is daebakk~"

"Alright, go choose your tuxedos, palli." I chased them away to stop the teasing. I looked into the mirror as I fixed my tie and watch.

Lee Y/n, what have you done to me.  I smiled at my thoughts and my smile grew deeper, thinking about her. 

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