chp 5 🍚

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"Do I really want to stay in this road any longer, knowing that this is only going to end in devastation?" ©owner

y/n's pov


"Yeah, sure. Thank you Minah yah." I replied as she passed me the drink she ordered for me.

"Wae? Did something happen? Why did you look so sour?" MInah asked while observing my face when I sipped on my cup of chilled coffee.

"Ani. Nothing much. But Minah, can I ask you something? Like...urm...if your friend keeps something important away from you, what will you do?"

"Hmm, depends on the situation. I think that he/she must have their reasons for keeping something away from you. I'll try to understand the reasons behind it."

"What if he keeps his identity a secret? Like maybe he's an idol and he didn't tell you that."

"Waa a he? Idol? Wuu who is this guy that caught our cold goddess's heart?"

"Ani...I am saying what if. What if...and what will you do?" I tried to hide the fact it's a true situation hoping she will believe it.

I am sorry Minah, I cannot tell you about him. I feel very bad and guilty for lying.

"I think it is perfectly fine. He is an idol after all. Things can get very complicated. Maybe he is trying to keep you safe. I would do the same too. I will clear things out with him. Nothing should be destroying a friendship."

"I guess you're right." I stirred my cup of coffee, trying to digest what Minah has said.

"Gaja. We have a meeting soon." We then left the coffee shop walking back to the firm after cleaning the table we sat just now.


yoongi's pov

I check my phone for the fourth time this morning, hoping that she'll reply to my message.

"Hyung, whatcha doing ?" Jimin asked as he approach me. He sat beside me at the corner of the practice room, trying to have a glimpse at what I'm looking at, on my phone. Before he could see anything, I quickly put my phone back into my pocket.

"Wae~ what are you hiding?"

"Nothing. Just news." I answered with a blank face on.

"Why are you hiding then hyung?"

"Let's start practicing." I pulled him along, trying to change the stop him from asking further.


Author's pov

Knock knock

"Oh, come in."

"Oppa, here. The files that you need." Y/n hand the files and contracts to her brother before sitting down next to him. She stares at her busy brother before speaking. She often admires her brother's passion and hard work. Unlike her, her brother likes working in the firm.

"I'm going home oppa. Don't work too late." She patted her brother's shoulder before leaving his office.


Yoongi was in his studio, working on the new beats for the group's upcoming song until his phone vibrated. He paused for a moment and stretched his hand to reach for his phone on the end of his table. It was her.

Unread message from +82 66*******
Yoongi, I am back.

He groaned in frustration before tossing his phone back to the table. He was about to curse when his phone vibrated and lit up again, thinking that it was the same person. He was wrong. He immediately unlocked his phone to reply to the message.

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