chp 19 🤍

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"Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts." 


Y/n's pov

I am officially into 4 months of pregnancy today. These days, I've been experiencing some light cramps quite frequently. I am not sure if it is considered normal or not, and both Yoongi and I are inexperienced, he decided to arrange a detailed check-up later in the afternoon. Yoongi being Yoongi, he keeps worrying and he decided to follow me to the appointment later despite his busy schedules. Currently, he's in the kitchen, busy preparing breakfast for both of us, while I'm here sitting on the couch, munching on some fruits he gave me just now. He restricted me from doing any housework or even cooking. So all I have to do now is eat, sleep, and repeat. 

I look at him from the couch, feeling lucky to have him. Although I told him it is ok for me to help out, he insisted that he will do the housework by himself after work. You must be wondering how about my lunch. Yoongi specially hired a chef to cook and send food right to my doorstep every day. Well, he's Min Yoongi after all.

"Come eat baby." He called from the kitchen. I walked slowly towards him and hugged him tightly. 

"Thank you Yoonie..."

"Wae?" He break off the hug and cupped my face, looking at me.

"For cooking and taking good care of us...You're already exhausted after work yet you didn't get to rest when you reach home. I am the one supposed to take care of you Yoonie..." Jeez, I swear to God my hormones! I have been extra sensitive ever since I'm pregnant. Sometimes I even yell and angry at Yoongi for no reason. I feel bad for him, he must be having a hard time handling my hormones. Thankfully, he is very considerate and is always there for me.

"Bae, how many times must I tell you? I'm not tired from taking care of you and our baby. I am here finding reasons to take care of both of you!" He wiped my tears and pulled me in for a kiss. A passionate and loving one. People say 'a kiss can mean nothing or everything.' 

"I love you Yoonie"

"I love you too honey, now, we should feed this big baby and the small baby in the tummy" 


Both of us listened to the gynecologist attentively. Luckily, both baby and I are healthy. The doctor advised me to rest well and keep myself stress-free to help alleviate the cramps. I am sure now Yoongi won't even allow me to handle the work from the firm or even attend the online classes, which I don't mind if I couldn't attend the classes. I have Min Yoongi, the genius producer. 

After the appointment, Yoongi bought me along to his studio to complete some urgent work before heading back. He feel uneasy to leave me alone after hearing what the doctor said. The members were very excited when they see me. Or should I say when they see the baby bump? They asked permission from Yoongi before touching it and of course, Yoongi was hesitant at first to allow the god of destruction, Namjoon, to feel the bump. I giggled at their cute argument.


"Yoonie, who do your think our baby will look like the most?" I ask out of the blue, feeling bored as I watch him work. We're now in his studio, I sat on the couch with my blanket covering my legs and pillows surrounding me. He bought some of my pillows and a blanket to his studio for me so that I can rest there in case I am there to visit him. He even has a box of my favorite snacks kept at the corner of his studio specially reserved for me. Of course, the snacks are healthy and nutritional. 

"Honestly, I don't mind. If it's a girl, I would love to have a mini version of you." He turned around to answer me and tuck the blanket that is falling off my legs. 

 "But Yoonie I want a mini version of you too!" 

"Then, I will grant you more..." I hit his chest while he smirked. This guy, keep your horny ass, please!


The days went on, as usual, waking up daily in his arms, giggling at the soft side of him, kissing and talking to my bump before sleep, and sending him off to work. I found out that he loves rubbing the bump every time we're cuddled on the sofa to watch some shows. 

"Yes, baby?" Yoongi finally answered my call. He's currently in the studio while I'm resting at home.

"Yoonie, I'm craving for pickles...can you get me some when you're on your way home"

"Pickles? Sure. Don't tell me you're going to eat it with ice cream again baby" I chuckled. Sometimes I craved for weird stuff like ice cream with pickles? Ginger with the chocolate spread? Can't blame me duh! I once craved for tteobokki during 3 in the morning, and Yoongi being a good husband, he went out to the store just to fulfill my cravings.

"It's the baby, Yoonie!" 

"Alright, alright. I will get you some ok?" 

"Yoon-" I stopped my words as I saw the news that is airing on the television currently. It was about him.

"Baby?" I froze as I saw the news. 

"Baby? Don't scare me. What happened?" 

"Yoonie...the news...look at it..." Before I could finish my words, I could hear someone enter his studio, panting while looking for him. 

"Hyung, the news! It's about you and Y/n." I recognized the voice. The voice belongs to Namjoon.

"Babe, listen here. Don't worry and stay in the apartment ok? Don't leave the apartment. I will be back soon." He ended the call immediately. 

The news was indeed about Yoongi and me. The press had found out about us, pictures of us in hospital days ago. Shit.


Yoongi's pov

I rushed home immediately after seeing the news. Y/n must be terrified and she needs me now. I had to use the back door to leave the company. There are crowds, fans, and media crowding outside the main entrance. 

I won't let them get between me and Y/n this time. I'm not going to hurt her again.


I groaned in frustration when I received a call from the security, telling me to use another entrance as there are also large crowds outside my apartment. 

How did they manage to find out where am I living at?

I enter my apartment from another entrance without people noticing. The moment I key in the passcode to my apartment, I run towards Y/n and pull her into a hug. 

"I'm sorry baby. You must be terrified."

"What should we do now Yoongi ah? How did they know we are living here?" I tried to calm her down. Her body is shaking and cold. Not to mention, her face is pale too. 

"It's ok baby. I'm here to handle ok? Don't worry" I was about to bring her into our room when she suddenly grabbed my wrist roughly. 

"Yoongi...blood-" I looked towards the same direction as her, blood dripping out from her lower body, between her thighs. She held her bump, looking at me, terrified. Her legs went weak and luckily I managed to catch her before she hits the floor. 

"BABY??? DON'T SCARE ME!" I held her weak body, trying to wake her up. I panicked when she didn't respond. I reach the phone on the table and call the ambulance with my shaky hands.

Please be ok, baby...

I cannot afford to lose you again baby.

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