chp 2 ☔

203 11 1

"Distance gives us a reason to love harder"

I place my bag down on the bed as I sat on my bed thinking abt the encounter just now. 

Min Yoongi. Hmm, sounds familiar. I must have heard it from someone else or somewhere on the feed.  Will he be okay now? I didn't-

My thoughts were interrupted as my laptop on the table lit and rang indicating that I received an email. I clicked on the new mail from my secretary after putting my glasses on, totally forgetting abt the thoughts occupying my mind just now. 

well, well, well, let's see what I have here. With that, I sighed and continue my work. 

Yoongi's pov

I look down at my palm, some leftovers of the tangerine from the girl just now. A small smile escaped without me noticing. 

"Where have you been? I couldn't find you just now" The guy at my door asked as he notice me. 

"For a walk nearby. I am the one that insisted to go alone. Don't blame the guards. I'm tired, bye." I replied as I enter my room and closed it before he could even respond. I am tired of going anywhere with people following me as if I am a toddler that needs surveillance. I needed some time alone, Without anyone. I toss my phone away while lying down on my bed, cursing at the fact that I am being watched and restricted. 

Next Afternoon.

"Yeah, I will appa. Don't worry. Tell oppa that I will be back soon. Just give me a few more days ok? I got to go, bye!" I quickly end the call with my dad, trying to escape from his nagging session.

When will I be able to escape from all these? Ahn Shiruh (I don't like in Korean) Aish....I really want to quit.

I then sip the cup of americano while standing at the balcony, enjoying the view. I have been working till 3 in the morning for the new cases Minah sent yesterday night. I've been trying to talk to my dad about quitting to pursue my dream. A producer. Every time I tried to bring up that matter, he will change the conversation or convince me that I have to inherit the family's business and not disappoint both him and grandpa. I have also thought about discussing it with my brother, Junhae, but I aborted the thought every time I saw him struggling and busy handling the cases in his office. I feel bad to quit and leave everything to him alone. 

I've been trying to run away countless times......but I can't. Seems like I'm stuck in this endless guilt and torment.

Yoongi's pov

I was walking nearby the same beach again. Trying to get some fresh air after finishing the final beats for my new mixtape. It's 10 at night now, I walk towards the rock where I met her yesterday, trying my luck to meet her again. 

Her round brown eyes, shining bright under the moonlight. Surely, she is someone interesting. As I reach the spot, I sigh in disappointment. There's no one there. No signs of her.

"hey-" a soft yet familiar voice greet me from far away. I knew it was her. The way her hair move along with the wind, the way her lips curved to form a smile, the way she ran towards me.

"hi. you're here again. here.." she passed me a tangerine again as she sit beside me.

"Yeah, hi. tangerine again?" I replied awkwardly as I took the tangerine she offered.

"I like tangerines. I thought maybe I'll meet you here again so I bought along two of them. Turns out I'm right. You dislike tangerine?" 

"Ani. I like tangerines too. I could eat boxes of it."  I spoke while peeling my tangerine. Before I could even finish peeling it, she took the tangerine from my hand and replace it with a fully peeled tangerine. I look at her with confusion. She just nod with a smile, assuring me that it was ok.

"You look stressed" I spoke as I observed her face frown.

"Yeah, a lot of things to handle back in Seoul-"

 "Seoul? I thought you reside nearby here...." 

"Ani....I am here for vacation. But I am temporarily staying nearby here. The hotel there. Wae?" She replied as she pointed towards a building not very far away.

"I am living in Seoul too. Just that I am here for some work." Both of us then chuckled.

As we are enjoying our tangerine silently, drips of water fell on our bodies. 

"Shit! It's raining!" she exclaimed.

The rain getting heavier just in a short while. Both of us were busy packing and getting off from the rock to find a shade. 

"There! There's a small hut there. We can sit there a while until the rain stops" she pointed towards the hut before pulling my hand along to run towards the hut.

I was taken aback by the sudden move as she held my hand tightly. Everything was going slow as if the time has stopped for us to enjoy the moment. 

"Aish, why is it raining suddenly. I didn't even bring an umbrella with me" she stood beside me, patting the rain droplets on her body away while I just stood there still frozen from what happened just now. 

"Yoongi? You ok?" She brought me back to reality as she approach me and wipe off the water on my hair. 

"Ye-yeah. I am...ok" I stuttered. She was only inches near me. Very close. 

"You sure? your ears.....haha they are crimson red." 

shit fck! dang it stupid ears. I cursed at myself.

"seems like the rain won't be stopping any soon" she chuckled as she look upwards towards the cloudy dark sky.

"I will return to Seoul tomorrow.....I wanted to stay longer but I have a lot of things to be completed in Seoul." She continued as she take a sit on the bench.

"How to reach you?" I blurted out suddenly.

"Pass me your phone."

She then takes my phone and begins typing something into it. 

"Here. I left my number inside and my law firm's number too. In case you need help. Hahaha, I am kidding."

"You work at a law firm?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah. I work at a law firm with my brother. My grandpa established the firm.  A family business that I couldn't avoid."

"You didn't enjoy working there?"

"More like I have passion for other stuff. I didn't get to decide what I want to do or what I want to study. My parents signed me up for Business and Laws. They say I belong to there. Don't you think that it is unfair for the bird to be kept in a cage? The bird didn't even have a chance to voice out and fight back....."

"Then what is your dream?" 

"Producer. I have always wanted to learn stuff about it since secondary school but my parents just shrug it off and send me to help in the law firm whenever I am free. So, most of my time was occupied by helping in the law firm"


"Wae? You did nothing wrong yoongi ah. Hahaha, I am the one that should be sorry. Sorry for ruining the mood."

"Ani....everyone has their own problems. You should fight against the fate y/n ah.....go do something that you like, something that you want, not what others want. We only live once y/n." The both of us stare against each other as we pour the content of our hearts out sincerely. 

"I want you to be happy too, y/n ah....."

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