chp 22 💍?

65 2 0

"Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people."


Yoongi's pov

"Yoongi? Did you call? Sorry I was sleeping just now."

"It's ok. Y/n ah, someone will come to pick you up later before 5. He will drive you to the place where I'm waiting for you. I have something to tell you later."

"Urmm- ok. Yoongi, are you ok? Why do you sound so serious? Something bad happened?"

"Ah-ani. Just get ready ok?" I hang up the call before she could continue asking.

Shit. I almost exposed it if she continue to ask.

Just right then, Jin knocked on my door before entering. "Are you prepared?"

I nodded before leaving the room with him.


Y/n's pov

After the call ended, I sat on the bed, deep in my thoughts.

Is he going to break up with me?

I sat a while more before heading towards the bathroom to bathe and get prepared. I put on a maternity dress, and a pair of sneakers he bought me. I left our apartment when I received a call from his driver.


"Miss, he is waiting for you inside. The receptionist will help you later." I thanked him before exiting the car. I brace myself as I took every step forward and enter the restaurant. Indeed, the receptionist seems to be aware of who I am here for and guides me to the second level of the building. The entire restaurant is empty today except for a few workers walking around. I guess Yoongi must have reserved the entire restaurant for us. He must have something very important to tell me then.

The waitress then gesture me to go into the last room after we reached the second floor. I slowly walked towards the room and opened the door. The moment I entered the room, I got amazed by the grand decorations. The wall was decorated with photos, to my surprise, the photos of Yoongi and me. I remembered some of it were taken when we went on a date, when we visited the amusement park together, when BTS performed their comeback shows and some were new to me. Yoongi took it secretly when I didn't notice it. Sneaky boy.

I slowly walked down the hall as I looked at our pictures on the wall, decorated with fairy lights. There was a path, created with flower petals and candles, leading me further into the room. I followed the path when the lights suddenly went dim. I looked around the darkroom, trying to figure out what happened. Suddenly, a big screen lit up in front of me. Video compilations that Yoongi took. How could I never notice when he recorded all these videos? When I was busy with works on my laptop, when I fell asleep in their practice room before we're together, video of me talking gibberish when I'm drunk, video of me sleeping on the couch of his studio, and the most touching part, video of him kissing me while I'm sleeping every morning. There's also a video of talking to the baby bump, which I find him cute.

When the videos ended, the lights in the room lit up again. I froze when I saw Yoongi kneeling on one knee, with a huge bouquet of roses in his hand. I was about to speak when I hear Jimin on the mini stage beside us.

"Noona, this is a song specially for you." He sang along while playing his guitar.

"Y/n..." I turned back towards him as he pass me the flowers. He then continued.

"Y/n, baby. I'm not used to express myself like this but, I want to tell you that I love you with my whole heart. We've been through a lot. The time when I almost lost you, I feel like my entire world collapsed. I realized that you're my everything. I can't afford to lose you, baby. Ever since the first time I met you, you caught my attention and I find great joy being with you. And here we are. With our child. I promise to be at my best for you and our baby, protect our family from getting harmed, and shower you with lots of love. I am grateful that I met you, and you stayed by my side no matter what has happened. Ahh- I am not gonna make a whole entire cheesy romantic speech...but I just wanna say that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, till death do us apart. I want to build a family with you Y/n ah..." He smiled as his eyes landed on your bump before grabbing something from his pocket.

You gasped the moment you saw it. He opened the ring box and place it in his hand, revealing a very beautiful ring.

"So, will you grant my wish and marry me?"

The entire room went silent as their eyes were on me, waiting for my answer. I nod my head without hesitation.

"YES!" I covered my mouth as I sobbed. Yoongi hugged me tightly immediately after I agreed to his proposal. Both of us sobbed. He then slid the diamond ring onto my finger before pulling me in for a passionate kiss.

We look around, the members and my family were there clapping and cheering for us. Suddenly, I yelped in pain as I clutch my baby bump. All of them surround me while Yoongi holds my arm and looks at me, worried.

"Wae? What happened bae?"

"The baby...kicked..."

"Are you serious? Our baby kicked for the first time!" He bent down as he placed his hand on my bump, trying to feel the kick.

"Seems like the baby agrees with this marriage too!" Jin spoke, causing everyone to laugh and clap.


The celebration went on as we sat together and eat.

"Yoongi ah, please take good care of her ok? I will trust you with her."

"I will, Mr. Lee."

"Aigoo, you should call him appa already!" My brother pat Yoongi's back as they chuckled. The members went to get some food while Hoseok helped us to take some pictures.


"So, Jimin is unaware about this?"

"Yeah, we told him only on the day before it. At first, it was supposed to be only us but Jin hyung found out about the proposal when he saw the venue reservation slip that I accidentally left on my table. So I have no idea but to tell him everything." Yoongi told Y/n about the proposal and why he was busy and late home these days. He has been busy preparing the proposal.


Yoongi's pov

"Wait- so you're finally proposing Yoongi ah???"

"Shh, the others can hear it hyung!" I covered his mouth to prevent the others from knowing the plan.

"YAH! Don't screw it up ok?"

"I know hyung...I don't know how to tell her yet. I'm scared." I sighed as I look at Jin hyung. Both of us are in my studio to discuss the matter.

"Eventually, she will need to know this...How about you tell her to get prepared and send someone to get her there!"

"Thank you hyung!" I ran off as his idea makes sense. I'm going to prepare someone trustable to handle this task.

~end of flashback~

"Why are you crying, bae?" I wiped her tears.

"I thought that you don't love me anymore..."

"Why would I? I will never stop loving you, pabo." I kiss her forehead as the both of us seat at the corner of the room, watching the members enjoying themselves.

She's now my fiancée...

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