chp 7 🎡

110 4 0

"When life gets harder, the only way to win is to be stronger."

Author's pov

'Suga of BTS dropped his new mixtape, Agust D yesterday which topped numerous charts, breaking the records of Billboard. His debut mixtape is a hit as his fans go wild, celebrating the success of their idol.'

Y/n smile as she listens to the news airing on television. News of Yoongi's much-anticipated mixtape winning numerous awards has been everywhere on social media platforms and television too. 

He deserves the awards.   Y/n thought to herself as she continues to work on her laptop. Even though currently she stays at home, she still asks for her secretary's help to send over the relevant documents so that she can continue to handle the cases in the firm. Her brother has been asking her to return to the firm to help but she rejected her brother, telling him that she needs more time but she will continue to help out.


Wuu, your mixtape is a success. Congrats on your achievements, Yoongi! - Y/n (11.32 p.m.)


Yoongi's pov

One unread message from y/n            Wuu, your mixtape is a success. Congrats on your achievements, Yoongi!

I have just finished the meeting with my manager regarding Agust D's tour which we have been planning since the mixtape is successful. I smiled when I saw the message from y/n earlier.

Thank you. The members are planning to hold a celebration dinner tonight. You should come and join us. They will be happy to see you too. - Yoongi ( 12.10 p.m.)

I am free tonight. Well, I'm not in the office haha. Have you all decided on the place yet?  - y/n ( 12.13 p.m. )

Yeah. Paik's BBQ at Gangnam-dong. See you later at 7.30 p.m. then. - Yoongi (12.15 p.m. )

I then forward her the address and reservation details before entering the recording studio to record my parts for the upcoming album. 


y/n's pov

"Hi, Ms. Do you have any reservations?" The waitress at the front desk asked as I entered the restaurant.

"Yes. A reservation under Mr.Min." She nodded before guiding me upstairs towards the private room. I could hear their laughter, specifically Jin's and Hoseok's down the hallway. 


"Hey..." I bowed as I enter the room, greeting the laughing members. I then take a seat at the empty seat in between Yoongi and Jimin. 

"Oh, Y/n noona ah you're late!" Jimin exclaimed as other members nod along in agreement.

"Mianhae, I have to stop by the firm to pick up some documents."

"Yah! You guys, don't disturb her."  Yoongi spoke before taking the tablet on the table to start ordering food.


"Manager-nim approved our break tomorrow. Do you guys want to go somewhere together?" Taehyung questioned while eating.

"Jinjja? How about a theme park? We have never been there anymore after debuting." 

"Wow good idea Jin hyung!" 

"Lotte World it is then! Y/n ah, come with us." Jin continued as the members now stare at me hoping that I would agree.

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