chp 12 ❤️

93 4 0

"Hold me tight, and never let go. Even if the sky turns dark, always remember that I'm here."

Y/n's pov

"Jin oppa, where's Yoongi?" I ask Jin the moment I burst into the room, noticing that Yoongi is not there. 

"He went out just now" He looked at me with a blank face, probably curious about my sudden behavior. 

"Ok, I-" 

"Noona, let's go! We're going to have dinner in the same restaurant again!" Jungkook drag me out of the room before I could even finish my sentence. I felt relieved when I saw Yoongi in the car, seating next to the driver. He looked into the rear mirror, noticing my gaze on him. 

"Let's go! I'm hungry"


The entire dinner, both of us just awkwardly sat far away from each other. I want to talk to him so badly, I want to tell him I'm sorry, and...I want to tell him my feelings towards him. Both of us just look at each other, hoping that everything will end quickly.

"Cheers" I gulp down the fifth cup of soju, trying to digest everything Namjoon said. I feel so sorry for him. For never giving him a chance to explain. 

I never knew he went through that much...

I continue to gulp down more alcohol to wash the guilt away. His eyes have been always calling for help, why didn't I respond to him sooner?

Sorry, Yoongi...

Yoongi's pov

"I'll send her home, don't worry," I told the members before carrying Y/n to my car. I didn't drink any just now as I watch her drinking bottles of soju. We tried to stop her but seems like she's unstoppable. 

'Lee Y/n, what if I'm not here. Do you know how dangerous it is?'   I speak to her softly while putting the seat belt on her, not caring if she can hear it or not.

"Shit. I don't where she lives." I then turned to her from my car seat, shaking her slightly hopefully she will wake up and answer me.

"Y/n?" No response. I swear to God I will never let her drink that much again. If I let you drink that much again, I must be dumb.

"Let's keep you for the night then." I then start the car, no choice but to bring her to my apartment.


"Yoon-GI!" Y/n suddenly stirred around, smiling with her eyes closed. Her cheeks were now bright red from the alcohol she had drunk just now. 

"Hey, I'm here." I tried to hold her while driving, to calm her down before she open the door and jump off the car. I have a shock of my life when she unbuckles her seatbelt. This girl...


"Yes, yes. Ok y/n, ok." I agreed with her gibberish as I carry her in my arms, bringing her into my apartment.

"Stay here, ok? Good girl." I pat her head as I put her down on the couch before heading out to close the door. She's not that heavy, but not that light too. I plopped myself down beside her, catching my breath. 

"I don't allow you to drink anymore if I'm not there.." I looked at her figure, I bet she wouldn't know if someone kidnap her. Too drunk. 

"Yoongi...I'm sorry..." She spoke suddenly.

"Wae?" I asked out of curiosity hoping that she will answer even though I know she was drunk and probably sleep talking. I scoot over, moving the strands of hair covering her face. She then sit up suddenly, looked at me, and smile. Geeze Lee Y/n, stop doing things to me.

"Yoongi-" She cupped my cheeks with her tiny hands and kiss me with her warm lips...It took me seconds to react to her kiss. I miss the feeling of her lips on mine. The way it fits perfectly just like it was custom-made for me. 

She pulled away and stare at me again after a while. "Yoongi...I'm sorry. I just realized how much you mean to me..."

"Y/n ah, you're drunk-" She looked right into my eyes.

"NO! I'm not. I'm very sure Yoongi. I sort my feelings out. My heart calling for you, I keep denying it, avoiding it. I'm so fcked up, Yoongi. I'm just unsure and afraid. I'm afraid of falling in love with you. I'm afraid of admitting it because I'm not sure of your feelin-"

I smashed my lips on hers, stopping her from continuing. Both of us finally open up, giving in. 

"I want you Yoongi. No matter what..." Her loving gaze met with mine before she continues.

"I love you.."

"I love you too, Y/n." Our lips connected again, my hands on her face, deepening the kiss. None of us want to let go. As we cherish the moment, I carry her and sat her on my lap, not breaking the kiss. 

"Y/n...I don't want to stop but...this will go too far later. You're not entirely sober now, I don't want to-" I break off the kiss, causing both of us to gasp for air while staring at each other. Our body temperature continues to rise.

"Then don't stop..." She trailed off, inching closer, signaling me to continue. I took her lisp with mine without further hesitation. 

I slowly lift her up, with her still in my arms not breaking the kiss as I opened the door to my room and put her on the bed. Both of us stared at each other, "It's all misunderstanding that day I didn't mean to kiss Hyuna-"

"I know." She placed her index finger on my swollen lips, shutting me up. 

"Yoongi, I love you and I don't care if you're an idol, you can't bring me out on a date or do whatever others can do, I don't care. I don't mind. All I want is you..."


That night, my room filled with moans and groans as our bodies molded into one. Our souls reunited into one and I finally showed her how much I love her.

We made love...





(I'm not going into details, well you thirsty one 😏) 

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